With the purpose to determine the impact of motor skills, such as strength, endurance, flexibility and others, on execution and shooting accuracy, we made a research review. The aim was also to determine how to connect and time place shooting training and motor skills training, so the effect of these important training segments would be the greatest. With the help of different search engines and data bases we have reviewed all available scientific articles on impact of motor skills on shooting accuracy and comment on their findings. Basketball players with more developed strength are more accurate at shooting. Methods which proved to be successful are in high range of loads, from strength endurance to maximal strength. Shooting accuracy is also better at players who gets fatigued later, hence at more endured ones. There are no results which would unequivocally confirm the impact of flexibility on shooting accuracy. It is beneficial to combine shooting training and motor skills training, because in that way we can take advantage of fatigue conditions in which players must train and it is also more effective from the time organization perspective. In pre-season there is time to work on technical deficiency of a basketball shot. In contrast to motor skills, in mid-season we devote a lot of time to improve shooting accuracy. In post-season players can go back to basics and if necessary work on their flaws in technique.