
Odziv srčne frekvence med vadbenimi postajami in učinki krožne vadbe za izboljšanje premičnosti po možganski kapi : magistrsko delo
ID Štefin, Tina (Author), ID Puh, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacin, Alan (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Ljudje po možganski kapi imajo zmanjšano telesno pripravljenost in pogosto prisotne motnje v delovanju avtonomnega živčnega sistema. Krožna vadba je oblika skupinske vadbe, ki je organizirana po posameznih vadbenih postajah in je priporočena oblika vadbe v vseh obdobjih po možganski kapi. Namen: Ugotoviti odziv srčne frekvence med različnimi vadbenimi postajami krožne vadbe in vpliv vadbe na izboljšanje srčne frekvence in občutenega napora v mirovanju, med vadbeno enoto in šestminutnim mirovanjem po koncu osrednjega dela vadbene enote. Namen je bil tudi ugotoviti učinke vadbe za izboljšanje premičnosti pri ljudeh v kroničnem obdobju po možganski kapi. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo osem preiskovancev v kroničnem obdobju po možganski kapi. Pred in po vadbi ter deset tednov po zaključeni vadbi smo izvedli ocenjevanje, ki je zajemalo meritev krvnega tlaka in srčne frekvence ter več testiranj: lestvico zaupanja pri dejavnostih povezanih z ravnotežjem, lestvico za oceno funkcionalnosti hoje, test hoje na 10 metrov, test hoje po stopnicah navzgor in navzdol, test petih vstajanj, 6-minutni test hoje in 2-minutni test korakanja. Cilj krožne vadbe je bil izboljšanje hoje, dinamičnega ravnotežja in aerobne zmogljivosti. Vadba zmerne intenzivnosti je potekala trikrat tedensko, štiri tedne in je bila sestavljena iz enajstih vaj. Med vadbo smo z merilcem srčnega utripa (H10, Polar, Finska) beležili srčno frekvenco, občuteni napor pa z Borgovo lestvico občutenja napora. Rezultati: Preiskovanci so pri vajah za koordinacijo in ravnotežje dosegli nižji povprečni odstotek maksimalne srčne frekvence kot pri aerobnih vajah. Krožna vadba je vplivala na značilno zmanjšanje občutenega napora med šestminutnim mirovanjem po koncu osrednjega dela vadbene enote. Po vadbi je prišlo do značilnega izboljšanja sposobnosti vstajanja in usedanja, ravnotežja med hojo, prehojene razdalje in izvedbe 2-minutnega testa korakanja. Ugotovili smo tudi dolgoročne učinke krožne vadbe. Po desetih tednih se je ohranilo izboljšanje sposobnosti vstajanja in usedanja, ravnotežja med hojo, prehojene razdalje in izvedbe 2-minutnega testa korakanja, medtem ko se je hitrost sproščene hoje značilno izboljšala. Zaključek: Med različnimi postajami krožne vadbe obstajajo razlike v odzivu srčne frekvence. Štiritedenska krožna vadba zmerne intenzivnosti, s frekvenco vadbene enote trikrat tedensko in trajanjem 51–68 minut, je vplivala na izboljšanje premičnosti v kroničnem obdobju po možganski kapi, medtem ko vadba ni vplivala na izboljšanje srčne frekvence. Gre za varno obliko vadbe, ki ima tudi dolgoročne učinke.

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, možganska kap, aerobna vadba, srčno-žilni odziv, hoja, ravnotežje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Štefin]
Number of pages:57 str., [34] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116680 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:17893123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.06.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Heart rate response between training stations and effects of circuit class therapy for improving mobility in people with chronic stroke : master thesis
Introduction: People after stroke have reduced physical fitness and often autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Circular exercise is a form of group exercise organised in individual training stations and is the recommended form of exercise in all periods after stroke. Purpose: To determine the heart rate response between different circular exercise training stations and the impact of exercise on improving heart rate and the perceived exertion at rest, during exercise and during six-minute rest after the main part of the exercise. The purpose was also to identify the effects of exercise on improving mobility in people in the chronic post-stroke period. Methods: The study involved eight subjects in the chronic post-stroke period. Before and after exercise and ten weeks after exercise we carried out an assessment that included measuring subjects’ blood pressure, heart rate and a number of tests: activities-specific balance confidence scale, functional gait assessment, ten meter walk test, twelve-step ascend and descend test, five times sit-to-stand, six-minute walk test, two-minute step test. The goal of circular exercise was to improve walking, dynamic balance and aerobic performance. The workout was carried out three times a week for four weeks and consisted of eleven exercises. During exercise, we recorded heart rate with a heart rate monitor (H10, Polar, Finland), and perceived exertion by using the Borg rating of perceived exertion scale. Results: The subjects achieved lower average percentage of maximum heart rate in the coordination and balance exercises than in the aerobic exercises. Circular exercise resulted in a marked decrease in exertion during six-minute rest after the end of the main part of the training unit. After exercise, there was a significant improvement in the ability to stand up and sit down, walking balance, walking distance, and the performance of a two-minute step test. We also identified the long-term effects of circular exercise. After ten weeks, the improvement in the ability to stand up and sit down, the balance while walking, walking distance and the performance of a two-minute step test was maintained, while the comfortable walking speed improved. Conclusion: There are differences in heart rate response between different exercise stations. A four-week, moderate-intensity circular exercise programme with an exercise frequency of three times per week and the duration of the individual examination of 51-68 minutes each resulted in an improvement in mobility during the chronic stroke period, while exercise did not resulted in the improvement of heart rate. It is a safe form of exercise that also has long-term effects.

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, stroke, aerobic exercise, cardiovascular response, walking, balance

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