
(Ne)dovoljena državna pomoč pri samooskrbi z energijo
ID Mihelin, Špela (Author), ID Pirnat, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu (Ne)dovoljena državna pomoč pri samooskrbi z energijo, sem se osredotočila predvsem na skladnost splošne prepovedi državnih pomoči s trenutno veljavnimi podpornimi shemami za vzpodbudo obnovljivim virom energije (v nadaljevanju OVE) ter ureditvijo sistema samooskrbe. Analiza zakonodaj in drugih veljavnih ureditev pripelje do zaključka, da sistem pomoči, ki jih Slovenija zagotavlja za vzpodbudo OVE ne izpolnjuje elementov splošne prepovedi državne pomoči in je zato dovoljena. Poleg tega lahko državno pomoč na področju OVE štejemo kot eno izmed izjem tretjega odstavka 107. člena PDEU, ki določa primere, ko je državna podpora združljiva oz. skladna z notranjim trgom. Ureditev sistema samooskrbe, ki po svoji vsebini deluje kot substitut sistemom državnih pomoči, pa je za razliko od omenjenih shem predvsem problematična z vidika konkurenčnosti. Ker trenutna zakonodaja ne vsebuje nikakršnih določil o omejitvah vzpostavitve sistema samooskrbe (z izjemo določitve priključne moči naprave), le-ta potencialno izkrivlja konkurenco med podjetji, saj lahko sistem samooskrbe vzpostavi vsaka gospodarska družba oz. podjetje. Zagotovo je samooskrba z električno energijo tema, ki je postala aktualna šele v zadnjih letih, zato se o sprejeti ureditvi, ki vzbuja pomisleke o njeni združljivosti z evropskimi smernicami in zakonodajo, še ni dovolj problematiziralo in je prostora za izboljšavo še veliko.

Keywords:električna energija, obnovljivi viri energije, samooskrba, državna pomoč, podporne sheme
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116631 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:20260867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2020
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Title:(Un)lawful state aid for self-supply of electricity
In my Master's thesis titled (Un)lawful state aid for self-supply of electricity, I primarily focused on the compatibility of the general state aid prohibition with current support schemes for the promotion of renewable energy sources (hereinafter RES) and the regulation of electricity self-supply. An analysis of the legislation and other applicable regulations, leads to the conclusion that the aid system provided by Slovenia for the promotion of RES, does not meet the elements of the general prohibition of state aid and is therefore allowed. In addition, the mentioned state aid can be considered as one of the exceptions described in the third paragraph of Art 107 TFEU, which defines cases where state support is compatible with the internal market. However, unlike the aforementioned schemes, regulation of electricity self-supply, which in its content acts as a substitute for state aid systems, is particularly problematic in terms of competitiveness. This is because the current legislation does not contain any restrictions on establishing self-supply of electricity (with the exception of determining the connection power of the device) and potentially distorts competition between companies, since self-supply of electricity can be set up by any company. Self-supply of electricity is certainly a topic that has only become relevant in recent years, so the adoption of regulation that raises concerns about its compatibility with European guidelines and legislation has not been sufficiently problematized.

Keywords:electricity, renewables, self-supply, state aid, support schemes

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