
Disleksija pri učencih, ki se izobražujejo v angleškem jeziku
ID Šprah, Lea (Author), ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pižorn, Karmen (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6217/ This link opens in a new window

Med specifičnimi učnimi težavami je v šolah najbolj prepoznana in najbolj pogosta disleksija, ki učence ovira pri osnovnem opismenjevanju in usvajanju jezikovnih spretnosti. Še večjo oviro pa predstavlja pri učencih, ki se šolajo in izobražujejo v angleškem jeziku, ki ni njihov materni jezik. Angleščina se kot mednarodni jezik v našem okolju pojavlja vedno pogosteje. Vedno več pa je v Sloveniji tudi mednarodnih šol, kjer pouk poteka v angleškem jeziku. Šole z angleškim jezikom obiskujejo otroci tujcev, ki so se zaradi službenih obveznosti začasno priselili v Slovenijo in se medsebojno sporazumevajo v angleščini, otroci priseljencev in tudi slovenski otroci. Med vključenimi učenci so tudi učenci, ki imajo specifične učne težave, med katerimi je najpogostejša prav disleksija. Pri učencih z disleksijo, ki se izobražujejo v angleščini kot tujem jeziku, okolica njihove posebne potrebe največkrat povezuje le s primanjkljaji na področju poznavanja angleškega jezika, disleksija kot specifična učna težava pa ostaja skrita (Limbos in Geva, 2001, v Geva, 2014). Empirični del magistrskega dela je multipla študija primera. Za statistično analizo pridobljenih informacij in podatkov smo uporabili metode kvalitativne primerjave ter deskriptivne analize. Vpliv disleksije na izobraževanje, ki poteka v angleškem jeziku, smo preverjali na namensko izbranem vzorcu, ki je zajemal učence z disleksijo, stare od 10 do 14 let. Materni jezik vseh vključenih učencev z disleksijo je slovenščina, medtem ko je angleščina njihov učni jezik. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako disleksija vpliva na njihovo učenje v angleščini kot učnem jeziku. S pomočjo testa SNAP in testa Dyslexia Portfolio smo ugotovili, da disleksija vpliva na procese branja in pisanja v obeh jezikih. Učenci z disleksijo potrebujejo več časa in ponavljanja, da uspešno sledijo pouku. Prepoznali smo močna področja vključenih učencev z disleksijo in kompenzacijske strategije, ki jih uporabljajo ter ugotovili, da zaradi vpliva angleščine v šolskem okolju učenci angleščino zaznavajo kot njihov močnejši jezik v primerjavi s slovenščino. Ugotovitve raziskave so nam lahko v pomoč pri načrtovanju in izvajanju celostne obravnave ter pomoči in podpori, ki ju učenci z disleksijo potrebujejo, prispevale pa bodo tudi k razumevanju posebnih potreb, težav in izzivov učencev z disleksijo, ki se izobražujejo v angleščini kot učnem jeziku, ki ni njihov prvi jezik, niti jezik okolja. Različne študije o disleksiji ugotavljajo, da se ta v različnih okoljih in jezikih izraža na različne načine, zato bodo rezultati in ugotovitve raziskovalnega dela prispevali k spoznanjem pri izobraževanju učencev z disleksijo v angleščini kot učnem in hkrati tujem jeziku.

Keywords:Učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116172 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16009219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Dyslexia in Slovenian pupils studying in the English language
Among the specific learning difficulties in schools, the best known and most common is dyslexia. Dyslexia hinders the students' literacy and language skills. However, it is an even greater barrier for those students who are taught in schools where the language of schooling is not their mother tongue. As an international language, English is becoming increasingly common in the Slovenian environment. There are several international schools in Slovenia where lessons are held in English. International schools are attended by children of foreigners who have temporarily immigrated to Slovenia due to their work obligations and Slovenian children of wealthy parents. There are also students with specific learning difficulties, which include dyslexia. Students with specific learning difficulties are taught in English as a foreign language and their specific needs are very often linked only to deficits in the English language, and dyslexia, which is a specific learning problem, remains hidden (Limbos in Geva, 2001, v Geva, 2014). The empirical part of this master thesis is a multiple case study. Qualitative comparative methods and descriptive analyses were used for the statistical analysis of the obtained information and data. The impact of dyslexia on English language education was tested on a specially selected group of students with dyslexia aged 10-14 years. The mother tongue of all dyslexic students involved is Slovene, while English is their language of instruction. The aim of my master's thesis was to find out how dyslexia affects language learning if English is the language of schooling. The results of the research will help to understand the specific needs and difficulties and challenges of dyslexic students learning English as a language of schooling, which is neither their mother tongue nor the language of their environment. Based on the results of the research, we have found an answer to how we can provide the holistic treatment and help and support that dyslexic students need. SNAP assessment, and Dyslexia Portfolio showed that the weakest skills of dyslexic students are reading and writing. They therefore need more time and practice to follow the lesson. We identified their strong areas, the compensatory strategies they use, and found that due to the influence of English in the school environment, the students perceive English as their stronger language. Various studies show how dyslexia is presented in different environments and in different languages and how the results and findings of the research contribute to the learning outcomes of students with dyslexia in English as the language of instruction and at the same time as a foreign language.

Keywords:Students with specific learning difficulties

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