
Hipotekarna posojila
ID Piskernik Benedičič, Pia (Author), ID Juhart, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predmet magistrske naloge je opis pravne ureditve hipotekarnih posojil v slovenski zakonodaji, s poudarkom na potrošniških hipotekarnih posojilih. V uvodnih poglavjih je najprej predstavljena splošna ureditve hipoteke, kot pravnega instituta stvarnega prava, torej pravna načela, ki oblikujejo splošno pravno ureditev, objekt hipoteke, zavarovana terjatev in sam nastanek hipoteke. V zvezi z nastankom hipoteke je posebna pozornost namenjena neposredno izvršljivemu notarskemu zapisu, ki igra pomembno vlogo pri sklepanju potrošniških kreditnih pogodb za nepremičnino. Neposredno izvršljiv notarski zapis, kot oblika v kateri se sklene pravni posel za ustanovitev hipoteke – sporazum o zavarovanju denarne terjatve, mora vsebovati tri glavne elemente, tj. določenost obveznosti, soglasje dolžnika k izvršljivosti in zapadlost terjatve. Nadalje je v četrtem poglavju podrobneje opisana pravna ureditev sklepanja potrošniških kreditnih pogodb za nepremičnino, s katerimi se terjatev hipotekarnega upnika do dolžnika zavaruje z ustanovitvijo hipoteke na zastavljeni nepremičnini. Pri sklepanju tovrstnih pravnih poslov je pomembna dobra presoja kreditodajalca komu bo posojilo dano, zato zakonske določbe predpisujejo oceno kreditne sposobnosti kreditojemalca in oceno vrednosti nepremičnine. Poleg obveznih ocen kreditodajalca, zakon predvideva tudi obvezno seznanitev potrošnikov s pravicami in obveznostmi, ki izhajajo iz kreditne pogodbe za nepremičnino. Takšna zakonska ureditev je predvsem v korist potrošnika, kar se odraža pri načinu odstopa od pogodbe in dejstvu, da je pri sklepanju tovrstne kreditne pogodbe obvezno posredovanje notarja. Peto poglavje je tako namenjeno opisu vloge notarja pri sklepanju kreditnih pogodb za nepremičnino v notarskem zapisu, zlasti pomenu njegove pojasnilne dolžnosti pri sklepanju tovrstnih pravnih poslov, ki so za potrošnika nemalokrat življenjskega pomena.

Keywords:hipoteka, hipotekarna posojila, zastavna pravica, zastavna pogodba, notarski zapis, neposredna izvršljivost, kreditna pogodba za nepremičnino, zastavljena nepremičnina, notar, pojasnilna dolžnost.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116125 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15855363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Mortgage loans
The subject of this Master's thesis is a description of the legal regulation of mortgage loans in Slovenian legislation, with an emphasis on consumer mortgage loans. The introductory chapters therefore first set out the general regulation of the mortgage, as a legal institute of property law, the legal principles that shape the general legal framework, the object of the mortgage, the secured claim and the establishment of the mortgage itself. With respect to the establishment of a mortgage, particular attention is paid to the directly enforceable notarial deed, which plays an important role in concluding consumer credit agreements for real estate. A directly enforceable notarial deed, as the form in which a legal transaction is concluded for the establishment of a mortgage - an agreement for securing a monetary claim, must contain three main elements, namely determinacy of the obligation, consent of the debtor to enforceability and maturity of the claim. Further, the fourth chapter describes in more detail the legal regulation of concluding consumer credit agreements for real estate, which secures the mortgagee's claim against the debtor by establishing a mortgage on the pledged real estate. When concluding such legal transactions, it is important that the creditor makes a good judgement to whom the loan will be given, so the legal provisions prescribe the assessment of the debtor's creditworthiness and the value of the property. In addition to these mandatory assessments by the creditor, the law also provides for mandatory disclosure to consumers of the rights and obligations arising from a real estate loan agreement. Such regulation is primarily for the benefit of the consumer, which is also reflected in the manner of withdrawal from the contract and the fact that, when concluding such a credit agreement, the intervention of notary public is mandatory. Chapter five is thus intended to describe the role of a notary public in concluding credit agreements for a real estate in a notarial deed, in particular the importance of his explanatory duty in concluding legal transactions that are often of vital importance to the consumer.

Keywords:mortgage, mortgage loan, pledge right, pledge contract, notary deed, direct enforceability, credit agreement for real estate, pledged real estate, notary, explanatory duty.

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