
Vloga notarja v družinskih zadevah
ID Podgoršek, Ana (Author), ID Novak, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Smisel sodelovanja nepristranskega pravnega strokovnjaka je predvsem v zaščiti interesov pogodbenih strank, preprečevanju kasnejših sporov, olajševanju dokazovanja, zmanjševanju možnosti zlorab, varstvu tretjih oseb in nenazadnje celotnega pravnega prometa. Stranke notarskega zapisa v okviru zakonskih omejitev same odločajo o vsebini svojih pravic in obveznosti ter prosto izbirajo določbe, glede katerih se želijo zavezati. Notar nikoli ne sme enostransko določiti vsebino notarske listine, ne da bi prej ugotovil, da obstaja strinjanje vseh udeležencev. Pogoj za posredovanje notarja je tako predhodno soglasje ali ujemanje volj strank, na podlagi vseh danih pojasnil o posledicah konkretnega posla. Iz vseh teh razlogov ima sodelovanje notarja v družinskih zadevah, ki so po svoji naravi med najbolj občutljivimi, zelo pomembno vlogo. Magistrsko delo predstavlja okrepljene naloge notarjev, opredeljene v novi ureditvi Družinskega zakonika, ki je v veljavo stopil 15. aprila 2019 in s tem nadomestil Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih. Spremembe so bile težko pričakovane in nujno potrebne, saj so odpravile marsikateri zastarel institut in v družinsko zakonodajo prinesle sveže rešitve, ki bodo v praksi pospešile in olajšale precej postopkov.

Keywords:notar, pojasnilna dolžnost, nepristranskost, stroga obličnost, Družinski zakonik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116080 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15225859 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The role of the notary in family law matters
Purpose of involvement of an impartial legal expert is primarily to protect the interests of the parties, to prevent subsequent disputes, to facilitate proof, to reduce the possibility of abuse, to protect third parties and the entire legal transactions. The parties to the notarial record, within the limits of the law, decide for themselves the extent of their rights and obligations, and freely choose the provisions to which they wish to be bound. A notary must never unilaterally determine the contents of a notarial deed without first finding that there is agreement from all participants. The condition for notary intervention is a previous consent of the parties, on the basis of all explanations given about the consequences of a particular transaction. For all these reasons, the notary's involvement in family matters, which are among the most sensitive, plays a very important role. The thesis presents the strengthened tasks of notaries, defined in the new regulation of the Family Code, which became effective on April 15 2019, replacing the Marriage and Family Relations Act. The changes were urgently needed, as they eliminated many outdated institutes and brought fresh solutions into family law that will speed up and facilitate a lot of procedures.

Keywords:notary, explanatory duty, impartiality, strict form, Family Code

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