
Ideologija samouresničevanja in sodobni kapitalizem
ID Rakočevič, Stania (Author), ID Kovačič, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ideologija samouresničevanja je v današnji družbi vseprisotna in ima močen vpliv na ljudi. Velikemu številu posameznikov enega izmed glavnih prostorov samouresničitve predstavlja tako imenovana kariera. Vanjo vložijo večino svoje energije, pri čemer so prepričani, da sta garanje na delovnem mestu in podreditev vseh ostalih področij življenja njej pravilna pot do samouresničitve. Posledično se udeležujejo raznovrstnih krožkov za delo na sebi, berejo knjige za samopomoč, ki so bolj popularne kot kadarkoli do sedaj, obiskujejo raznovrstne seminarje za samorealizacijo in podobno. Glavni problem pri tem ni le dejstvo, da veliko ljudi, ki gara v neprijetnih delovnih pogojih za nizko plačo, zares verjame, da so pri tem v procesu gradnje kariere, ampak tudi dejstvo, da v zelo veliki meri spregledajo lastno razredno umeščenost in omejitve, ki so posledica te umeščenosti. Na družbo in lasten položaj v njej gledajo iz ahistorične perspektive, kar pomeni, da ne zaznajo ovir, ki jih prinaša kapitalistična organizacija družbe. Posledično verjamejo, da je njihov uspeh na področju dela kot tudi na drugih področjih življenja v celoti odvisen od njihovega truda, prizadevnosti in discipliniranosti in si zato vsak neuspeh razlagajo kot posledico lastne nesposobnosti. To lahko rezultira v nezadovoljstvu, stresu, v hujših primerih pa tudi v tesnobi, depresiji in ostalih duševnih boleznih. Poleg tega se tudi ne vprašajo, ali je želja po samouresničitvi na raznovrstnih področjih življenja zares njihova avtentična želja, ali pa jim je vsiljena s strani sodobne kapitalistične družbe.

Keywords:samouresničitev, kapitalizem, priročniki za samopomoč, ahistoričnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116074 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.05.2020
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Title:The ideology of self-realization and modern capitalism
The ideology of self-realisation is omnipresent in today's society and has a strong influence on people. Many individuals believe that one of the main areas where one can achieve self-realization is the so-called career. They put most of their energy into it while being convinced that hard toil and subordination of all other areas of life to their career is the right path to achieving self-realization. Consequently, they participate in various self-improvement classes, they read self-help books, which are more popular than ever before, they attend various self-realization seminars and so on. The main problem with this is not only the fact that many people who toil in poor working conditions for a low salary really believe that they are in the process of building a career, but also the fact that they largely overlook their own class position and the obstacles that this position brings. They view the society and their own place in it from an ahistorical perspective, which means that they do not perceive the obstacles brought by the capitalist society. Consequently, they believe that their success in their field of work as well as in other areas of their life depends entirely on their effort, diligence and discipline which is why they interpret every misfortune as a result of their own incapacity. This can lead to unhappiness and stress while in worse cases it can also lead to anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. Furthermore, they do not ask themselves whether their desire to achieve self-realization in varies areas of their life is truly their own authentic desire or whether it is forced upon them by the modern capitalist society.

Keywords:self-realization, capitalism, self-help books, ahistoricism

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