
Predlog geološke učne poti na Lubnik v Škofji Loki
ID Hartman, Tanja (Author), ID Žvab Rožič, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pred časom je bil iz strani občine Škofja Loka podan predlog o izdelavi naravoslovnih poti v njeni okolici, s tem da bi bil velik poudarek na geoloških vsebinah. Tako se je rodila ideja o izdelavi geološke učne poti. Številne predhodne raziskave, diplomske naloge in magistrsko delo ter obsežno kartiranje širšega ozemlja Škofje Loke v okviru terenskih vaj na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti, so pokazale raznolikost in pestrost kamnin na tem območju. Ena izmed najbolj primernih tras za geološko učno pot je vsekakor planinska pot med starim mestnim jedrom mesta Škofje Loke in Lubnikom, saj sta zaporedje kamnin na tej poti, kot tudi strukturna zgradba izredno pestri in raznoliki. Pot naj bi bila, na željo občine, speljana tako, da bi čim manj posegala v naravo. Po pregledu terena in izdankov je bila geološka učna pot speljana po že obstoječih, markiranih poteh, ki so predvsem domačinom, dobro znane. Tukaj se namreč v izredno dinamičnem zaporedju menjavajo mezozojske globljemorske kamnine Slovenskega bazena, katere sledimo od najmlajših pri Škofji Loki, do najstarejših pri vasi Gabrovo pod Lubnikom. Še višje proti Lubniku naletimo na prelomni kontakt med bazenskimi kamninami in zgornjetriasnimi kamninami Dinarske karbonatne platforme. Iz slednjih je sestavljen tudi vrh Lubnika. S prostim očesom so vidne različne teksture, barve in tudi oblike kamnin. Te so posledica različnih sedimentacijskih okolij njihovega nastanka. Nad kamnine Slovenskega bazena je pri Škofji Loki s kotno diskordanco odložen tudi Škofjeloški konglomerat, kar je verjetno eden najlepših primerov tovrstne diskordance pri nas. Dodatno vrednost tej poti pa dajo tudi spremljajoči kraški pojavi. V Škofjeloškem konglomeratu in Dachsteinskih apnencih imamo lepo razvite podzemne in tudi površinske kraške oblike. Na območju Lubnika je tako veliko število večjih in manjši jam in brezen, med katerimi je najbolj znano Marijino brezno. Dobrih 200 višinskih metrov pod vrhom Lubnika pa je ena najbolj znanih jam, imenovana Kevderc, do katere vodi markirana in zavarovana pot. Za izbrane točke so izdelane znanstvene podlage ter osnutki poljudnoznanstvenih tekstov za publikacijo o tej poti. Na geološki učni poti spoznamo, katere kamnine so bile za domačine v prejšnjem stoletju, zanimive tudi v gradbene namene. Podani so tudi številni predlogi predstavitve vsebin na terenu ter povezava z že obstoječimi potmi in vsebinami v okolici mesta. Predstavljeni so primeri »uporabe« geološke učne poti za potrebe večjih skupin, kot so npr. šole in vrtci. Posebej za njih so podani predlogi interaktivnega sodelovanja in učenja skozi celotno pot. Za skupine turistov so predlagani opisi v različnih tujih jezikih in možnosti najema vodiča, ki bi jih spremljal na poti. Predlagana je tudi izdelava »tematske sobe« v muzeju na loškem gradu, kjer bi bila predstavljena geologija v sliki in besedi za širše območje Škofje Loke. V sklopu geološke učne poti so predlagane tudi povezave z drugimi vsebinami, ki bi dodatno popestrile ponudbo in zanimanje za občino Škofja Loka. S temi vsebinami bi občina dodatno pridobila na turistični prepoznavnosti mesta. Tovrstni projekt bi predstavljal tudi osnovo za morebitne nadaljnje projekte s podobno filozofijo na drugih primerljivih območjih.

Keywords:Škofjeloški konglomerat, škofjeloški ploščati apnenci, geološka učna pot, Lubnik, Škofja Loka.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116053 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15857411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Proposal of geological learning path to Lubnik in Škofja Loka
Some time ago, the municipality of Škofja Loka proposed to create nature trails in its surroundings, focusing on geological features. This is how the idea of creating a geological learning path was born. Numerous previous research, diploma and master's theses, as well as extensive mapping of the wider Škofja Loka area as part of field work at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering have shown the diversity of rocks in this area. One of the most suitable routes for the geological learning path is undoubtedly the mountain trail between the old town center of Škofja Loka and Lubnik, as the sequence of rocks along this route and the structure of the area are extremely varied. At the request of the municipality, the path should be followed in such a way that it interferce with nature as little as possible. After studying the terrain and the outcrops, the geological learning path was led along the already existing, marked trails, which are mostly well known to the locals. Here, the Mesozoic deep-sea rocks of the Slovenian Basin, which follow from the youngest at Škofja Loka, to the oldest at the village of Gabrovo below Lubnik, change in an extremely dynamic sequence. Even higher in the direction of Lubnik, we come across the break between the basin rocks and the upper Triassic rocks of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform, to which the peak of Lubnik belongs. The different textures, colors and shapes of the rocks can be seen with the naked eye. These are due to the different sedimentation environments of their formation. The Škofja Loka conglomerate is also deposited above the rocks of the Slovenian Basin at Škofja Loka with angular unconformity, which is probably one of the most beautiful examples of such unconformity in our country. The accompanying karst phenomena also adds added value to this path. The Škofja Loka conglomerate and Dachstein limestones have well developed underground and surface karst forms. There are so many large and small caves and abysses in the Lubnik area, the most famous of which is the Marian Abyss. About 200 meters below the Lubnik peak is one of the most famous caves called Kevderc, to which leads a marked and protected path. Scientific points and drafts of popular scientific texts have been prepared for the selected points for publication on this path. On the geological learning path we learn what meaning did the rocks had for the locals in the last century in construction purposes. There are also numerous suggestions for presenting content in the terrain and linking it to existing routes and content in the surrounding area. Examples of the "using" of the geological learning path for the needs of larger groups are presented, such as schools and kindergartens. In particular, suggestions are made for interactive collaboration and learning throughout the course. For tourist groups, descriptions in different foreign languages and the possibility of hiring a guide to accompany them along the path are suggested. It is also suggested a "themed room" set up in the museum at Škofja Loka Castle, where the geology of the wider Škofja Loka area will be presented in pictures and words. As part of the geological learning path, links to other contents are proposed, which would further enrich the offer and interest in the Škofja Loka municipality. With these contents, the municipality would gain additional tourist visibility of the town. Such a project would also form the basis for other projects with a similar philosophy in other comparable areas.

Keywords:Škofja Loka conglomerate, flat limestone of Škofja Loka, geological learning trail, Lubnik, Škofja Loka.

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