he prevalence of trauma is high and trauma affects many life aspects of an individual. Trauma is often at the core of social problems, but it is not recognized as their source. People with trauma experience seek help for various hardships in their lives also at social work centers.
Therefore, it is important how staff at the centres collaborate with people with trauma experience. Trauma-informed care (also trauma-informed practices or trauma-informed approach) was created as a holistic answer for engaging with people with trauma experience. Introducing it into the organization, however, requires a change in organizational culture. Initially the organizational culture is described theoretically, and I expose how organizational
culture can be changed. Then I discuss about trauma and its impact on people. In the final part of the theoretical part the focus is on trauma-informed care. I briefly define it and describe what is the introduction of the approach into the work of an organization like.
The second part of the master's thesis is the presentation of the qualitative research, in which I have inquired into all the profiles of employees at social work centers in order to explore the current characteristics of the organizational culture, and in what ways it would be possible to start changing the organizational culture in accordance with trauma-informed care. In the research I was also interested in the extent to which employees are aware of trauma, how they interact with people with trauma experience, and how they learn in optimal ways. Finally, on
the basis of the results obtained, I have elaborated the proposal for introduction of trauma-informed care into social work centres.