
Vpliv temperature in CO [spodaj] 2 na dinamiko rasti in celično aktivnost ektomikoriznih gliv pri bukvi Fagus sylvatica L. : doktorska disertacija
ID Štraus, Ines (Author), ID Kraigher, Hojka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kreft, Marko (Comentor)

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V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti vpliv temperature zraka in tal ter koncentracij CO2 tako na sadike bukve kot tudi na ektomikorizne glive (ECM). Poskus smo zastavili na enoletnih sadikah bukve Fagus sylvatica L., posajenih v rizotrone pri različnih temperaturah: v klimatizirani komori (15-20 °C) brez dodatnega hlajenja korenin (CR-) in z dodatnim hlajenjem korenin za 4-5 °C (CR+), v rastlinjaku s povišanimi temperaturami zraka (GH) in zunaj (OUT), kjer so bile sadike izpostavljene naravnim temperaturam zraka. Na sadikah smo izvajali nedestruktivne analize korenin tekom poskusa in destruktivno analizo celotnih sadik ob koncu tri-letnega poskusa. Največji delež drobnih korenin, več kot 98% in najmanjši povprečni premer korenin so imele sadike v rastlinjaku. Delež mikoriznih korenin je bil v tretmajih CR+, CR- in GH med 10,3% in 11,4%, medtem ko je bilo v tretmaju zunaj za polovico manj mikoriznih korenin (5%). Za opis vplivov temperatur in povišanih koncentracij CO2 v zraku na koreninske sisteme in nadzemni del sadik smo izračunali indekse rasti. Dokazali smo značilen (p<0,05) vpliv temperature tal na specifično dolžino korenin in značilno (p<0,001) zmanjšanje specifične površine listov in razmerja listne površine zaradi povišanih koncentracij CO2 Mikorizne korenine smo opisali z anatomsko-morfološko metodo in nadaljevali z molekulskimi in filogenetskimi analizami identifikacije ECM. Do rodu smo identificirali 114 ECM. Z uporabo dvofotonskega konfokalnega laserskega mikroskopa in barvilom ELF-97% smo ugotavljali pojavljanje in aktivnost na površino vezane kisle fosfataze pri izbranih eksploracijskih tipih (CT ET, SD-ET, MD-ET, LD-ET). Dokazali smo, da je pojavljanje kisle fosfataze značilno različno (p<0,001) pri posameznih eksploracijskih tipih, medtem ko temperatura nima značilnega vpliva. Z izotopskimi analizami %15N in %13C v rastlinskih tkivih, mikorizi in substratu smo želeli ugotoviti tok ogljika in dušika med rastlino in glivo in vpliv okoljskih dejavnikov nanj. Potrdili smo dejstvo, da na pestrost in delovanje mikoriznih gliv vplivajo tako temperatura kot povišana koncentracija CO2. Encimska aktivnost eksploracijskih tipov ni pogojena le z okoljskimi dejavniki, temveč tudi s funkcijo ektomikorizne glive, ki jo le-ta opravlja v celotnem sistemu.

Keywords:temperatura, CO2, ektomikorizne glive, eksploracijski tipi, kisla fosfataza, dinamika rasti, okoljske razmere, bukev, Fagus sylvatica L., rizotroni
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Štraus]
Number of pages:XVI f., 146str., [26] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115387 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4089766 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of temperature and CO [sub] 2 on the dynamics of growth and cell activity of ectomycorrhizal fungi of beech Fagus sylvatica L.
In present study, the impact of air and soil temperature and CO2 concentration on beech seedlings and on ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) was studied. The experiment was conducted on one year old beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) planted into rhizotrons and exposed to different temperature: cooled chamber (15-20 °C) without cooling of roots (CR-) and with additional cooling of roots for 4-5 °C (CR+), greenhouse (GH) with elevated temperatures and outside (OUT).. During the experiment nondestructive analyzes were made, while in the end of tree-year experiment destructive analyzes of whole seedlings was performed. The highest proportion of fine roots, more than 98% and the lowest average root diameter were observed in GH. In CR+, CR- and GH between 10,3% and 11,4% of mycorrhizal roots were observed, while OUT were for half less mycorrhizal roots (5%). From the obtained measurements different growth parameters were recorderd. The significant impact (p<0,05) of root temperature on specific root length were observed and significant reduction (p<0,001) of specific leaf area and leaf area ratio as a consequence of elevated CO2. Mycorrhizal fungi were identified using anatomical-morphological, molecular and phylogenetic analyzes. 114 ECM types were identified. Two-photon confocal microscope and ELF-97% fluorescent dye were used for establishing the activity and occurrence of surface-bound phosphatase activity in different exploration types (CT ET, SD-ET, MD-ET, LD-ET) of ECM. Occurrence of surface bound acid phosphatase was significant (p<0,001) between ET, while temperature had no significant effect. The %15N in %13C analyzes in different parts of plant tissues, mycorrhizal fungi and soil were used to establish nitrogen and carbon flow between fungi and host plant and the influence of environmental conditions on it. Mycorrhizal fungi are very diverse group influenced by temperature and elevated CO2 concentrations. Enzymatic activity of exploration types depended on environmental factors and of function of ectomycorrhizal fungi that they had in the system.

Keywords:temperature, CO2, ectomycorrhizal fungi, exploration types, acid phosphatase, growth dynamics, environmental conditions, beech, Fagus sylvatica L., rhizotrons

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