
Analiza prevoza svežega sadja in zelenjave z vidika trajnostnega razvoja : doktorska disertacija
ID Bonča, Sandra (Author), ID Udovč, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rodela, Romina (Comentor)

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Porast prometa s seboj prinaša tudi številne negativne vplive na okolje in družbo, ki se večinoma ne odražajo v cenah prevoza. V doktorski disertaciji smo se osredotočili na prevoz svežega sadja in zelenjave in primer navezali na Slovenijo. Namen je bil oceniti postavljanje cen preko internalizacije eksternih stroškov (ES) kot pomembnega indikatorja trajnostnega prevoza, oceniti stanje na trgu in podati možne rešitve v smeri nadaljnjega trajnostnega razvoja. Z znanstveno metodo sistematičnega pregleda literature (N=32) smo za vse oblike prevoza zbrali obsežen nabor podatkov, dobili podroben vpogled v področje izračunov ES in iskali podatek o ES/km za tovornjak. Za analizo smo izbrali 4 vrste tipičnih slovenskih pridelkov (jabolka, hruške, korenje, zelje). Metoda zbiranja sekundarnih podatkov in analiza snovnih tokov nas je privedla do podatkov o samooskrbi države, značilnostih izvoza, uvoza in transportnih potrebah od leta 2005 do 2012. Sledili sta analiza prevoza z vidika trajnostnega razvoja in primarna raziskava trga (tj. poreklo in cene pridelkov, praksa trgovcev ter zavedanje potrošnikov (N=135)), simulacija vključitve ES prevoza v cene pridelkov pa nam je omogočila internalizacijo ES (27 primerov). Nazadnje smo prevoz z internaliziranimi ES analizirali v okviru SWOT analize. Naša študija je prva, ki je za področje izračunov ES prevoza uporabila sistematični pregled literature. Ugotovili smo, da obstoječi izračuni ES nakazujejo na kompleksnost in pomanjkljivost ter potrdili, da prevoz pri uvozu pridelkov v Slovenijo ni trajnosten, internalizacija pa bi vodila v smeri trajnostnega razvoja.

Keywords:prevoz, sadje, zelenjava, sveža živila, trajnostni razvoj, eksterni stroški, cene prevoza, samooskrba, Slovenija, SWOT analiza, disertacije
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Bonča]
Number of pages:XV, 167, [10] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115367 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:885111 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Sustainability analysis of fresh fruits and vegetables transportation
The increase in transportation brings about numerous negative impacts on the environment and society which mostly do not reflect in transport prices. This present dissertation focuses on freight transport of fresh fruits and vegetables and with a Slovene empirical case. The aim was to appraise pricing throught internalisation of external costs (EC) of transport, to assess market situation and to present possible solutions towards better sustainability. A systematic review was undertook and selected scientific literature and other reports were surveyed (N=32). A comprehensive dataset of EC for all the transport modes was collected, allowing for detailed insight into this field. We also searched data about EC per km for a trailer truck. For the empirical case we selected four typical Slovene produce (i.e. apples, pears, carrots, cabbage). Secondary data collection and analysis of material flow accounts were used to analyse self-sufficiency, import and export features and transport needs from 2005 to 2012, followed by an analysis of sustainability of freight transport and primary market research. A simulation was used to internalise EC into market prices of produce. Finally, SWOT analysis was carried out to analyse transport with internalised EC. This is the first study focused on the calculation of EC of transport where systematic literature review was used. The study found that current calculations of EC indicate the complexity and imperfectioness and confirmed that the transport of produce in case of import to Slovenia is unsustainable, but internalisation could benefit towards better sustainable development.

Keywords:transportation, fruits, vegetables, fresh foods, sustainable development, external costs, transport prices, self-sufficiency, Slovenia, SWOT analysis

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