
Model gostitve cestnega omrežja na primeru gozdnogospodarske enote Slivnica : magistrsko delo
ID Jež, Boštjan (Author), ID Potočnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Model napovedovanja oblik spravila lesa na podlagi vhodnih podatkov omogoča zanesljivo in na večjih površinah konsistentno napoved oblike spravila lesa. Za določitev pomembnosti vplivnih dejavnikov (naklon terena, razdalja do kamionske ceste, razvojna faza sestojev, delež iglavcev v lesni zalogi) za izbiro oblike spravila lesa v gozdnogospodarski enoti Slivnica je bila uporabljena metoda primerjave parov. Ekonomska utemeljitev gostitve cestnega omrežja temelji na večjem zmanjšanju stroškov spravila lesa, kot pa znašajo povečani stroški prevoza lesa. Izločena spravilna polja, katerih stroški spravila lesa presegajo povprečne stroške spravila lesa glede na različne oblike spravila lesa, so območja, kjer je načrtovanje gostitve omrežja gozdnih cest najbolj smiselno. Pred umestitvijo tras načrtovanih gozdnih cest je bilo potrebno poiskati nezadostno odprta območja, ki so določena na podlagi sedanje gostote gozdnih cest, ki je enaka optimalni gostoti, ter na podlagi terenskih in ekoloških omejitev pri umestitvi gozdnih cest (naklon terena > 50 %, varovalni gozdovi in gozdovi s prvo stopnjo poudarjenosti ekoloških funkcij). V ekonomsko utemeljenih območjih je bilo analiziranih sedem načrtovanih gozdnih cest, ki so se ob podrobni ekonomski analizi izkazale za ekonomsko utemeljene. Z variiranjem modelnih stroškov gradnje in vzdrževanja gozdnih cest je bila izračunana doba, v kateri se investicijski in obratovalni stroški povrnejo (amortizacijska doba znaša 40 let). Pri izračunu je bila upoštevana 3% letna obrestna mera na vloženi kapital in vrednosti so bile diskontirane na sedanji čas. Izračun donosa načrtovanih gozdnih cest na podlagi razlik v gozdni taksi nakazuje ekonomsko smiselnost in prioriteto gradnje posamezne načrtovane gozdne ceste.

Keywords:gozdne ceste, gostitev cestnega omrežja, ekonomika gradenj gozdnih cest
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Jež]
Number of pages:XII, 123 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115321 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4360102 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
JEŽ, Boštjan, 2016, Model gostitve cestnega omrežja na primeru gozdnogospodarske enote Slivnica : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : B. Jež. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Denser road network model in the case of the Slivnica forest management unit
The model of predicting wood skidding methods based on input data enables reliable and consistent prediction of a wood skidding method across larger areas. In order to determine the importance of influential factors (terrain slope, distance to logging road, development stage of stands, share of conifers in the growing stock) for choosing a wood skidding method, a method of paired comparisons was used. The economic justification of a denser road network is that the costs of wood skidding would decrease more than the costs of wood transportation would increase. The eliminated skidding fields, for which the wood skidding costs exceed the average wood skidding costs with regard to various types of wood skidding, are the areas where the planning of a denser forest road network is the most sensible. Prior to delineating a route of the planned forest roads, insufficiently open areas had to be found, which were determined based on the current density of forest roads, which equals the optimal density, and based on the terrain and ecological restrictions for siting forest roads (terrain slope > 50 %, protection forests and forests with direct and indirect ecological functions). Seven planned forest roads were analysed in economically justified areas; a thorough economic analysis established that they are economically justified. By varying the model costs of the construction and maintenance of forest roads, the period in which the investment and operating costs would be reimbursed was calculated (the depreciation period amounts to 40 years). The calculation took into account an annual 3% interest rate on invested capital and the values were discounted to the present. A calculation of the yield of the planned forest roads based on differences in the forest tax indicates the economical sensibility and priority of constructing an individual planned forest road.

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