
Pomladitvena ekologija sestojev črnega bora na Krasu : magistrsko delo - 2. stopnja
ID Šivic, Sebastjan (Author), ID Diaci, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Črni bor je svoj pozitivni doprinos na kraških tleh opravil. Sestoji črnega bora so postali nestabilni in ogroženi in njihov nadaljnji razvoj v naravnejšo in stabilnejšo zgradbo je upočasnjen. Zato je potrebno te sestoje postopno spremeniti v odpornejše mešane sestoje samoniklih drevesnih vrst. Na območju Sežansko-komenskega Krasa sta bili izbrani dve lokaciji glede na terenske podobnosti. Izbrani so bili starejši sestoji črnega bora pred obnovo, kjer so bili prisotni pomladek in semenska drevesa hrasta. Raziskave so potekale v štirih sestojnih oblikah: sklenjen sestoj, vrzelast sestoj, sestojna odprtina in rob sestojne odprtine. V vsaki izmed sestojnih oblik je bila vzorčena prisotna vegetacija na za to postavljenih ploskvah. Poleg ekoloških dejavnikov in vegetacije so bila popisana tudi semenska drevesa v radiju 80 m. Rezultati so pokazali, da je v mladju prevladoval mali jesen. Ocena gostote mladja hrasta na sistematično postavljenih zeliščnih ploskvicah je znašala 0,24 osebka na m2. Največje število semenskih dreves je bilo v bližnji okolici vrzelastih sestojev, najmanj pa v okolici sestojnih odprtin. Povezava med gostoto hrastovega pomladka in številom semenskih dreves z raziskavo ni bila potrjena. Prav tako ni bilo dokazano, da večja bližina zeliščnih ploskvic semenskim drevesom vpliva na večjo gostoto hrastovega mladja. Na raziskovalnih ploskvah je bilo precej hrastovega mladja, zato mu mora biti namenjena posebno pozornost. Z ustrezno nego, zaščito in gojitvenimi ukrepi mu je potrebno pomagati in postopno oblikovati kakovostnejše in odpornejše sestoje hrasta ter avtohtonih plemenitih listavcev.

Keywords:pomladitvena ekologija, črni bor, Kras
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Šivic]
Number of pages:VIII, 66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115290 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*23:630*174.7(Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold)(497.4)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:3881894 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Regeneration ecology of the Austrian pine stands in the Karst region
Austrian Pine has done its positive contribution to the Karst. Stands of Austrian pine have become unstable and vulnerable, and their further development into more natural and stable structures has slowed down. Therefore, the pine stands should be gradually converted to more resistant stands consisting of autochthonous species. On the area of Sežana - Komen Karst two locations have been chosen according to terrain similarities. Older stands of Austrian pine were selected; those stands that were just before the introduction of regeneration, where tree seedlings and seed trees of oak were present. Research was conducted in four stand types: closed stand, diffusely opened stand, stand opening and the edge of the opening. In each stand type systematic plots (herb plots) as well as plots defined by the presence of oak seedling were installed (oak plots). In addition to ecological factors and vegetation seed trees within a radius of 80 m were also sampled. The results have shown that seedlings were dominated by manna (flowering) ash. The estimate of the oak seedlings density was 0.24 per m2. The maximum number of seed trees was in the proximity of diffusely opened stands and the lowest number around stand openings. It was not confirmed that there is a link between oak seedling density and number of seed trees. Additionally, it was not demonstrated that the greater proximity of herb plots towards oak seed trees resulted in higher density of oak seedlings. Considerable density of oak seedlings was found in this study, therefore special care should be taken to favour advanced oak regeneration. With proper tending, protection and silvicultural measures, oak seedlings could be promoted. In this way Austrian pine plantations could gradually convert to mixed stands of oak and native noble broadleaf stands of higher quality and resilience.

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