
Strukturne spremembe in dinamika vrzeli v gospodarskih gozdovih GGE Trnovo : magistrsko delo - 2. stopnja
ID Rupnik, Luka (Author), ID Hladnik, David (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V GGE Trnovo je bilo leta 2010 v delu oddelka 13 s strojno sečnjo izvedeno redčenje čistih enomernih bukovih drogovnjakov, v preostalem delu oddelka v podobnih sestojih redčenja še ni bilo. Med redčenim in neredčenim delom oddelka smo ugotovili statistično značilne razlike v temeljnici, srednje temeljničnem premeru ter lesni zalogi, statistično značilnih razlik pa nismo ugotovili pri številu dreves ter Reinekejevem indeksu gostote sestoja (SDI). Analiza prostorske razmestitve je pokazala, da z redčenji ustvarjamo bolj homogeno prostorsko razmestitev dreves v sestoju. V oddelku smo razmejili vrzeli pred (l. 2006) in po (l. 2010) redčenju. Intenzivnost gospodarjenja vpliva na velikost in število vrzeli, saj se je površinski delež vrzeli v neredčenem delu oddelka iz 1,3 % zmanjšal na 1,1 %, medtem ko se je delež vrzeli v redčenih sestojih povečal iz 0,41 % na 10,7 %. V obeh obdobjih so v številu (90 % oz. 86 %) prevladovale majhne vrzeli (<200 m2). V oddelku 30, z raznodobnimi sestoji, smo vrzeli razmejevali z lidarskimi podatki. Z razmejevanjem vrzeli leta 2011, na različno ocenjenih višinah vegetacije smo ugotovili, da v raznodobnih sestojih prevladujejo sestavljene vrzeli. Delež vrzeli v površini oddelka se je iz 5,6 % leta 2011 povečal na 18,5 % v letu 2013.

Keywords:dinamika vrzeli, prostorska razmestitev dreves, digitalni stereoploter, lidar, gospodarski gozdovi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Rupnik]
Number of pages:82 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115276 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3953318 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Structural changes and gap dynamics in management forests of GGE Trnovo
In 2010, in the part of section 13 of the forest management unit Trnovo a thinning was performed with mechanized harvest technology in pure beech polewood stands, while in the other part of this section with similar forest stands, the thinning has not been made. We found significant differences between thinning and no thinning part of section in stand basal area, quadratic mean diameter and volume. No significant difference was found for number of trees and Reineke's stand density index. Analysis of spatial tree distribution has shown that thinnings create more homogenous spatial patterns of trees in stands. We delineated the gaps before (year 2006) and after (year 2010) thinning. Gap dynamics has shown that intensity of forest management influence the area and number of gaps. The spatial proportion of gaps decreased from 1,3 % to 1,1 % in the part of section without thinning and increased from 0,41 % to 10,7 % after thinnings. In the both periods small gaps (<200 m2) prevailed with 90 % and 86 %, respectively. In the section 30 with unevenaged stands we delineated the gaps with lidar data. Gap delineation on different hights of trees and other vegetation in year 2011 has shown, that in unevenaged stands prevailed gaps of different tree hights. The proportion of gap area in this section has increased from 5,6 % in 2011 to 18,5 % in 2013.

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