
Analiza nezgod v koncesionarskih gozdarskih podjetjih v obdobju 2006-2013 : magistrsko delo - (magistrski študij - 2. stopnja)
ID Trebec, Mitja (Author), ID Potočnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Poje, Anton (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi so bile za obdobje 2006-2013 analizirane nezgode pri delu v koncesijskih gozdarskih podjetjih, ki izvajajo dela v državnih gozdovih Slovenije. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti število in pogostnost nezgod ter analizirati razlicne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pojav nezgod. Skupno je bilo analiziranih 948 delovnih nezgod, katere je posredovalo devet koncesionarjev preko mednarodnih obrazcev za prijavo delovne nezgode (ER-8). Rezultati kažejo, da se je število nezgod in proizvodna pogostnost preko analiziranega obdobja zmanjšala na iz 109 na 97 nezgod oz iz 1,7 na 1,3 nezgode / 10.000 m3, medtem ko se je pogostnost nezgod v zadnjih dveh letih raziskave zmanjšala pod 10 %. V analiziranem obdobju se je 90 % vseh nezgod zgodilo proizvodnim delavcem pri delu v gozdu. Secnja in izdelava z motorno žago ter traktorsko spravilo po številu nezgod še vedno spadata med najbolj nevarni gozdarski dejavnosti. Najvecja proizvodna pogostnost nezgod je bila ugotovljena pri secnji in izdelavi (1,1 nezgoda / 10.000 m3) in žicnicnem spravilu lesa (0,9 nezgode / 10.000 m3). Žarišca nezgod glede na kraj dogodka, nacin izvajanja dela in gozdarske dejavnosti, vir in vzrok nezgode ter glede na vrsto poškodbe in poškodovani telesni del v primerjavi s preteklim analiziranim obdobjem (1993-2005) ostajajo podobna. Ukrepi za zmanjševanje števila nezgod in njihovih posledic v prihodnosti morajo temeljiti na usposabljanju delavcev za varno delo v gozdu, ustrezni osebni varovalni opremi ter ustrezno urejenih delovnih razmerah proizvodnih delavcev.

Keywords:gozdarstvo, delovne nezgode, analiza nezgod, delo v gozdu, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Trebec]
Number of pages:IX f., 99 f., [2] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115264 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4110758 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Workplace accidents in forest concessionary companies in period 2006-2013
In this master thesis we have analyzed workplace accidents in the period 2006-2013 for concessionary forestry companies who carry out work in state forests in Slovenia. The aim of research is to determine the number of accidents and accident frequency and to analyze various factors that have influenced in occurrence of accidents. In total we analyzed 948 workplace accidents, which were collected and forwarded by the nine concessionary companies through international forms for workplace accidents (ER-8). Results showed, that the number of accidents and the production frequency of accidents over the analyzed period was reduced from 109 to 97 accidents, or 1.7 to 1.3 accident / 10,000 m3, while accident frequency in the past two years was reduced under 10 %. In the analyzed period 90 % of accidents happened to forest production workers at work in the forests. Logging and production with a chainsaw and tractor skidding are still the most dangerous forestry activities by number of accidents. Maximum production frequency of accidents has been identified in the logging and processing with a chainsaw (1.1 accident / 10,000 m3) and the cableway skidding (0.9 accidents / 10,000 m3). Focal points of accidents including place of accident, method of working, forestry activities, sources and causes of accident compared to the previously analyzed period (1993-2005) remain similar. Measures to reduce the number of accidents and their consequences in the future must be based on the training of workers for safe work in the forest, appropriate personal protective equipment and properly regulated work conditions for forest workers.

Keywords:forestry, workplace accidents, accident analyse, forest work, Slovenia

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