
Samoznamčenje na Instagramu: graditev osebnostne znamke : graditev osebnostne znamke
ID Oštarijaš, Patricija (Author), ID Pušnik, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen tega magistrskega dela je razviti in empirično testirati teoretski okvir, ki preučuje odnos med družbeno mobilno aplikacijo Instagram in z njo povezano tematiko samoznamčenja uporabnikov tega omrežja. Želim raziskati njihov način samoznamčenja, izpostaviti ključne dejavnike in lastnosti, ki jih prek vizualne podobe ustvarjajo uporabniki z namenom grajenja osebnostne znamke, ter opredeliti vlogo Instagrama v povezavi s konceptoma samoznamčenja in promocije znamk. Za mojo raziskavo je zato najpomembnejše razumevanje dejavnikov, kot so samopromocija, konstrukcija identitete, samoprezentacija in samoznamčenje, za katere je bilo ugotovljeno, da so pomembni faktorji osebnostne znamke. Raziskovalno metodo sem izbrala na podlagi teoretikov Duffy in Hund, ki sta preučila način ustvarjanja in samopromocijo preko vizualnih vsebin na tem družbenem omrežju. S poglobljenimi intervjuji želim ugotavljati, kakšnih načinov uporabe Instagrama se vplivneži v Sloveniji poslužujejo. Cilj pričujočega dela bo torej raziskati potek samoznamčenja, izpostaviti značilnosti in dejavnike ustvarjanja vizualnih vsebin najbolj popularnih uporabnikov na Instagramu ter opredeliti odnos med samoznamčenjem in promocijo znamke. Po izvedeni raziskavi lahko potrdim, da je za uporabnike družbenega omrežja Instagram, ki spadajo v kategorijo vplivnežev, vsaka dejavnost na Instagramu produkt načrtnega samoznamčenja, izvedena z namenom vzpostavljanja uspešnega odnosa z njihovimi sledilci in vzajemnega grajenja tako osebnostne kot lastne blagovne znamke. Menim, da o konceptu samoznamčenja lahko govorimo kot o novi obliki razširitve tradicionalne promocije ali oglaševanja znamk.

Keywords:Instagram, samopromocija, identiteta, samoznamčenje, znamka.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Oštarijaš]
Number of pages:107 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115207 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:17702659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.04.2020
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Title:Self-branding on Instagram: building a personal brand : magistrsko delo
The purpose of this master's thesis is to explore and empirically test the theoretical framework that has ensured the relationship between the Instagram mobile application and its linked subject of self-branding of users of this network. I wish to explore self-branding and also highlight the key factors and attributes that users create through visual imagery for the purpose of building a personal brand. I will try to find out what Instagram’s role is in relation to the self-branding concept and the concept of a brand. For my research, therefore, the most important thing is to understand factors such as self-promotion, construction of identity, self-presentation and self-branding, which are considered to be important components of personal brand. I chose a method that is based on those understandings, based on research by Duffy and Hund's, who studied self-presentation and self-promotion through images on Instagram. With in-depth interviews, I want to examine how influencers in Slovenia use Instagram. Thus, the aim of this work is to explore the course of self-branding, and present the characteristics and factors of visual content creation based on the most popular users on Instagram as well as the interrelationships within self-branding and the promotion of brands. After having completed the research, I can confirm that for Instagram users who fall under the category of influencers, Instagram activity is a product of planned self-branding, designed to build a successful relationship with their followers and building of both a personal as business brand. I believe that the concept of self-branding can be referred to as a new form of extension of traditional media branding.

Keywords:Instagram, self-promotion, identity, self-branding, brand.

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