In graduation thesis we analyzed six methods of determination for woody plants, which differ from each other in the manner of determining, the complexity of use, accessibility, target groups and the extent of included taxa. We tested them with determination of five tree species, which vary significantly in shape and composition of the leaf lamina, but two species are quite similar. Progress of the determination is recorded in detail. Then we compared methods, which had the same process of recording. Among methods, in which we can assess the determination in numbers of steps required to determine species, Interactive guide with a complex access needed the least steps, followed by the Key TNP, MFS and finally an Interactive guide with dichotomous key. Number of properly determined samples, from a total of 19, computer Application NS had 13, mobile application Leafsnap UK at first 11, after re-determining 14. Among the methods, aimed at the general public, Key TNP proved to be most useful. Among the ways that require professional knowledge, the key in Mala Flora Slovenije proves to be the most accurate, but the process of determining is very complex. Application NS is much easier to use and has been proved to be reliable for species with a characteristic shape of the leaf, at other species the results were not enough reliable. The same problem had Leafsnap UK. Further development of advanced applications for the identification of woody plants will go probably in two directions: On the one hand, the development of an algorithm for scientifically reliable identification on the basis of scanned sheets and / or other plant parts, on the other hand, the development of the widely used method for detecting at least a basic set species based on photographs of leaves on living plants.