
Zasnova in razvoj prototipne blokovne verige
ID KLOKOČOVNIK, MIHA (Author), ID Sedlar, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tem zaključnem delu je predstavljeno delovanje posameznih sestavnih delov tehnologije veriženja blokov (angl. Blockchain). Ta tehnologija je ena od možnih rešitev za prenos in hrambo finančnih sredstev, splošno znanih pod imenom kriptovalute. Po prebranem zaključnem delu bo imel bralec pregled nad prednostmi in slabostmi uporabe blokovnih verig, spoznal pa bo tudi osnovne koncepte kriptografije, ki so pogoj za razumevanje tehnologije veriženja blokov. Za potrebe tega zaključnega dela je bila ustvarjena lastna kriptovaluta z imenom mihicoin v programskem jeziku Node.js. Kriptovaluta temelji na tehnologiji veriženja blokov. Vsebuje le osnovne gradnike, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje, saj je namenjena seznanitvi bralca, ki nima predhodnega znanja o tej tehnologiji. S predstavljenimi znanji je mogoče v poljubnem programskem jeziku implementirati lastno različico blokovne verige. V glavnem delu so opisani različni izzivi in dopolnitve programske kode, ki so potrebne za uporabo v javnem internetu. Internet predstavlja nezanesljivo prenosno pot, z izpadi in velikimi zakasnitvami. Z uvedbo lastnega algoritma za prilagajanje težavnosti rudarjenja, želimo predstaviti prednosti pred algoritmom, ki ga uporablja kriptovaluta Bitcoin. Temu sledijo meritve različnih parametrov dotične blokovne verige (hitrost rudarjenja, algoritem spremenljive težavnosti, potek komunikacije preko omrežja ipd.) in razlaga merilnih rezultatov.

Keywords:Blokovne verige, Tehnologija veriženja blokov, Kriptovalute, Bitcoin, Rudarjenje, Kriptografija, Zgoščevalne funkcije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115058 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Design and development of a prototype blockchain
The thesis addresses the inner workings of the key parts of blockchain technology. Blockchain is only one of the possibilities for storing and transferring wealth, used by cryptocurrencies. This thesis provides a general overview of where and how blockchain can be used. It also explains the general principles of cryptography, which are prerequisites for understanding how blockchain technology works. For the purpose of this thesis, a cryptocurrency based on the blockchain technology has been developed. The developed cryptocurrency, named mihicoin, is written in Node.js programming language. It contains only the vital parts for normal operation because it is meant for educational purposes of novice readers. With the presented knowledge, it is possible to write your very own blockchain in any desired programming language. The main part of the thesis describes different challenges and hurdles that one faces when trying to deploy a blockchain on the internet. The internet presents an unreliable telecommunications network with random outages and unpredictable latencies. The thesis proposes the inclusion of a custom algorithm to improve upon Bitcoin's algorithm for adaptive mining difficulty. For the purpose of the thesis, a set of measurements of different parameters of the developed blockchain has been conducted. The following parameters have been investigated in detail: mining power, difficulty adjustments, and the flow of communication.

Keywords:Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Mining, Cryptography, Hash functions

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