
Razreševanje problema pomanjkanja farmacevtov v organizaciji X prek učinkovitega privabljanja in ohranjanja potencialnih sodelavcev : magistrsko delo
ID Pepel, Urška (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Problematika privabljanja in ohranjanja (visoko kvalificiranega) kadra je v času gospodarske rasti izziv mnogih organizacij. Cvetoče gospodarstvo in staranje populacije sta pripeljala do pomanjkanja delovne sile. Pomanjkanje delovne sile se v gospodarstvu pojavi, ko je potreba po delavcih večja od ponudbe delavcev. Organizacije zato vse bolj tekmujejo za kandidate, ki so na voljo in katerih baza se manjša. Prav tako pa organizacije bijejo boj za obstanek že zaposlenih delavcev. Eden izmed pristopov za učinkovito privabljanje in ohranjanje potencialnih sodelavcev je koncept znamke delodajalca. Dobra znamka delodajalca je tista, ki privlači pozornost potencialnih kandidatov in ustvarja željo zaposlenih, da ostajajo v organizaciji. Prav tako pa je za organizacije pomemben koncept menedžmenta talentov. Z menedžmentom talentov naj bi organizacija privabila, razvijala in motivirala zaposlene ter jih ohranjala produktivne in zavzete. Izhajajoč iz tega v magistrskem delu raziskujem problem pomanjkanja farmacevtov v organizaciji X in identificiram načine za učinkovito privabljanje in ohranjanje potencialnih sodelavcev. Konkretneje poskušam raziskati, kako organizacija X razrešuje omenjeni problem, na kakšne načine privablja in ohranja potencialne sodelavce ter zakaj farmacevti ostajajo oziroma zapuščajo organizacijo X. Metode raziskovanja so analiza internih dokumentov organizacije X ter polstrukturirani intervjuji.

Keywords:pomanjkanje delovne sile, znamka delodajalca, menedžment talentov, privabljanje potencialnih sodelavcev, ohranjanje zaposlenih
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Pepel]
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115051 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16679939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Solving the problem of pharmacist shortage in Organization X by effectively attracting and retaining potential associates
The problem of attracting and retaining (highly qualified) staff is a challenge for many organizations in times of economic growth. A booming economy and an aging population have led to labor shortages. Labor shortages occur in the economy when the need for workers is greater than the supply of workers. Therefore, organizations are increasingly competing for available candidates whose base is shrinking. Organizations are also fighting for the existence of workers that are already employed in their organization. One approach to effectively attract and retain potential employees is the employer brand concept. A good employer brand is one that grabs the attention of potential candidates and creates the desire of employees to stay in the organization. The concept of talent management is also important for organizations. It is based on attracting, developing and motivating employees, keeping them productive and committed. Based on this, in my master's thesis, I explore the problem of lack of pharmacists in organization X through the effective attraction and retention of potential associates. More specifically, I try to investigate how organization X solves the problem, how it attracts and retains potential associates, and why pharmacists remain or leave organization X. Research methods are analysis of organization X's internal documents and semi-structured interviews.

Keywords:labor shortage, employer brand, talent management, attracting potential employees, retaining employees

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