
Naravno pomlajevanje na žičniških trasah v bukovih gorskih gozdovih : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij - 1. stopnja
ID Vončina, Erik (Author), ID Diaci, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava in analizira uspešnost naravnega pomlajevanja na šestih žičničarskih trasah, okvirno 10-letne starosti v bukovih gorskih gozdovih. Trase so bile na Vojskem in severnem delu Trnovskega gozda. Naloga se posveča predvsem primerjavi uspešnosti pomlajevanja med trasami s prisojno in osojno lego ter med prečnimi in vzdolžnimi položaji tras. Na vsaki trasi smo postavili 45 ploskev s površino 2,25 m2. Poleg gostot, zmesi in zastiranja pomladka smo analizirali višinske prirastke dominantnih osebkov in stopnjo poškodovanosti pomladka. Poskušali smo ugotoviti, kateri so poglavitni omejujoči dejavniki, ki upočasnjujejo in delujejo zaviralno na razvoj pomladka. Dodatno smo opredelili nekatere prednosti in slabosti žičničarskega spravila ter usmeritve za zmanjševanje poškodb na mladju in gozdnih tleh. Gostote pomladka gospodarsko pomembnih drevesnih vrst so bile skoraj dvakrat večje na osojnih položajih. Pomlajevanje je bilo v splošnem uspešnejše na trasah z osojno ekspozicijo, zaradi večjega deleža pomladka v višjih višinskih razredih, večjega zastiranja mladovja in boljše sposobnosti preživetja osebkov. Glede na prečni položaj je bilo pomlajevanje uspešnejše na osrednjem položaju, deloma slabše na vzhodnem in najslabše na zahodnem položaju. V vzdolžni smeri je prihajalo do manjših razlik v gostotah pomladka, za odtenek boljši so bili pomlajeni sredinski in spodnji položaji tras.

Keywords:naravno pomlajevanje, žičniške trase, bukovi gozdovi, Fagus sylvatica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Vončina]
Number of pages:VII, 48 f., [16] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115033 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4465830 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Natural regeneration on cable crane lines in beech mountain forests
The thesis discusses and analyses the success of natural regeneration on six cable crane lines of about 10 years of age in the beech mountain forests. The routes are located at Vojsko and in the northern part of Trnovski gozd. The thesis compares the success of regeneration between the lines on southern and northern slopes and between different microsites within the lines. On each individual line, 45 plots with the surface area of 2.25 m2 were placed. Beside the density, mixture and the coverage of the regeneration, the thesis also analyses the height growth of the dominant seedlings and the degree of damage caused to the regeneration. An attempt was made to establish which are the main limiting factors that negatively affect the growth of the regeneration. Some advantages and disadvantages of the cable crane skidding are defined as well as the means to decrease the damage to the regeneration and the forest ground. The density of the regeneration of economically important tree species were almost twice as high on the northern line. Regeneration has generally been more successful on the with northern aspect, due to greater proportion of seedlings in higher height clasess, greater seedling coverage and better survival capability. Transversely looking, the regeneration was most successful in the central part, partially less successful on the eastern and least successful on the western side. Regarding the longitudinal section, there were minor differences in the density of seedlings; a bit better regenerated were the middle and the lower parts of the cable crane lines.

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