
Premestitev in preselitev beguncev in prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito
ID Zorko, Janja (Author), ID Zagorc, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga z vidika evropske ureditve obravnava institut premestitev in preselitev beguncev in prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito. Premestitve in preselitve sta globalna instrumenta za nudenje zaščite beguncem, skozi njiju pa se izraža načelo solidarnosti in pravične delitve odgovornosti. V Evropski uniji premestitve predstavljajo izraz notranje solidarnosti med državami članicami, medtem ko so preselitve humanitarni ukrep in izkaz zunanje solidarnosti do držav v regijah izvora in solidarnosti s tam ujetimi begunci. Na ravni EU sta se do zdaj instrumenta premestitev in preselitev izvajala le kot začasna ali ad hoc ukrepa, saj med državami članicami primanjkuje skupne volje za sprejem trajnih in zavezujočih ukrepov za premestitev in preselitev. V prvem delu magistrske naloge obravnavam razvoj Skupnega evropskega azilnega sistema in instrumentov za delitev bremen, v okviru katerega je prikazan zgodovinski razvoj ukrepov za pravičnejšo razdelitev beguncev med evropskimi državami in zbliževanje pravil azilnih sistemov držav članic EU, ki je odprl pot sprejemu mehanizmov za premestitev in preselitev na ravni EU. V drugem delu se magistrska naloga osredotoča na instrument preselitev, v katerem je uvodoma natančneje predstavljen instrument preselitev, ki ga v nadaljevanju preučujem skozi akte Evropske unije in dokumente Urada visokega komisariata Združenih narodov za begunce. V tretjem delu je predstavljen instrument premestitev, sprva kot njegova predstavitev, nato pa še razlikovanje med premestitvami prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito in upravičenci do mednarodne zaščite, v nadaljevanju pa sledi kritična preučitev instrumenta premestitev in preučitev projektov, sprejetih v praksi. V sklepnem delu preučujem možne rešitve za nastalo situacijo v Evropski uniji in ovire, ki preprečujejo sprejetje trajnih ukrepov v evropsko zakonodajo.

Keywords:mednarodna zaščita, premestitev, preselitev, prosilci za mednarodno zaščito, upravičenci do mednarodne zaščite, evropsko azilno pravo, notranja solidarnost, zunanja solidarnost, pravična delitev odgovornosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114944 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:13369603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.03.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Relocation and Resettlement of Refugees and Asylum Seekers
The master thesis addresses from the European perspective instruments of relocation and resettlement of refugees and asylum seekers. Relocation and resettlement are global instruments for providing protection to refugees. Through them, notion of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility is expressed. From European perspective relocation is a tool through which internal solidarity between Member States is being expressed while resettlement is a humanitarian measure and expression of external solidarity vis-à-vis third countries in the regions of origin. Through resettlement also solidarity vis-à-vis protracted refugees from those regions is expressed. Relocation and resettlement were not yet incorporated into the EU asylum law. Until recently relocation and resettlement were organised as temporary measures or were implemented on an ad hoc bases since there is a lack of common will and solidarity for adoption of permanent and binding relocation and resettlement instruments between Member States. The first part of the master thesis consists of a brief evolution of Common European Asylum System and burden sharing mechanisms. It analyses the evolution of tools for fair sharing of refugees between Member States and harmonisation of asylum law between Member States, which paves the way for adopting EU wide relocation and resettlement mechanisms. In the second part, master thesis is focusing on resettlement of refugees. Firstly, there is an introduction of resettlement and then EU legal acts and UNHCR documentation are being studied. In the third part of the master thesis relocation is introduced and differences between relocation of refugees and of asylum seekers are pointed out. Master thesis then critically observes already implemented relocation measures. At the and master thesis is focusing on possible solutions for current EU situation and is pointing out obstacles which are preventing adoption of permanent measures in European asylum law.

Keywords:international protection, relocation, resettlement, asylum seekers, beneficiaries of international protection, European asylum law, internal solidarity, external solidarity, fair sharing of responsibility

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