The purpose of the thesis is to determine the efficiency of Takeuchi TB 075 track-laying excavator in skidding trail construction. The engineer constructing the skidding trail excavator is self-employed and has many years% experience operating this machine. The trials were conducted in the Javorje district, of the Črna na Koroškem municipality. The aim of the research is to determine the amount of productive time during working time, the efficiency of the excavator in the skidding trail construction, and the cost of the track-laying construction. The main hypothesis is that the operation of material excavated, exceeds half of the working time of the excavator. The next hypothesis is that the actual costs of the skidding trail construction is lower than the highest recognized value in the public tender of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MKGP). In the research, construction of a skidding trail of 150 m in length was recorded. A recording sheet with the entire working operation of the excavator in the skidding trail construction was prepared. The established portion of the excavation was 21.30 % of the working time, which is much less than our presumption. The reason for this lies in the pre-skidding of the timber from the alignment of the skidding track. The first hypothesis could not be confirmed. The efficiency of the excavator in skidding trail construction amounted to 5.58 mʹ per h, namely 27.46 m% per h. We have established the actual costs of the skidding trail construction, namely %1.08 per m%, which is lower than the highest recognized value for the III. category excavation in the public tender of the MKGP that amounts to %2.87 per m%. With that, we have confirmed our second hypothesis.