
Aktualne problematike študentskega dela v praksi
ID Ulčar, Romana (Author), ID Tičar, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Študentsko delo je posebna oblika začasnega ali občasnega dela, ki ga lahko opravljajo študentje in dijaki na podlagi napotnice posrednika študentskih del. Kljub dolgi tradiciji in mnogim pozitivnim učinkom, ki jih študentsko delo ima, zaradi svoje fleksibilne narave in velikega obsega, obremenjuje trg delovne sile, saj je ena od oblik dela, s katerim delodajalci nadomeščajo redno zaposlovanje. Omejeno delovnopravno varstvo študentov in trenutna nesistematična ureditev študentskega dela, odpirata v praksi mnoge problematike, ki jih magistrsko diplomsko delo z naslovom Aktualne problematike študentskega dela v praksi poskuša opredeliti in predlagati zanje ustrezne izboljšave. Najpogostejša problematika ostaja nerazumevanje samega namena študentskega dela, to je začasno in občasno opravljanje dela študentov. Še vedno namreč v praksi prevladuje miselnost, da je študentsko delo vedno, ko je izdana napotnica posrednika, zakonito. Z vidika delodajalcev je problematično predvsem višanje stroškov študentskega dela, kar vodi v zmanjšanje obsega slednjega, vendar ne na račun višanja rednega zaposlovanja, vendar drugih fleksibilnih oblik opravljanja dela ali poseganja po delu na črno. Med opravljanjem dela študenta pri delodajalcu, je sporna nezanesljivost prvih in mnoge nezakonite prakse drugih, kot so npr. onemogočanje odmora med delovnim časom, neplačilo slednjega itd. Kljub solidnim zadovoljstvom vpletenih z institutom, delovnopravne problematike na področju študentskega dela ostajajo in bi jih bilo potrebno v prihodnosti odpraviti, zlasti s celovito in zaokroženo ureditvijo področja in jasnejšim ozaveščanjem o pravicah in obveznostih vpletenih posameznikov.

Keywords:študentsko delo, študent, problematike, fleksibilnost, študentski servis
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114872 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:13368067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.03.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Current Issues of Student Work in Practice
Student work is a special form of temporary or occasional work that may be performed by university and high school students on the basis of a student mediator's referral. Despite its long tradition and many positive effects that student work has, due to its flexible nature and large scale, puts a strain on the labor market, as it is one form of work by which employers replace regular employment. The limited labor protection of students and the current unsystematic arrangement of student work raise in practice many problems that the master's thesis entitled The Current Issues of Student Work in Practice tries to identify and propose appropriate improvements for them. The most common problem remains the misunderstanding of the purpose of student work, that is, the temporary and occasional performance of student work. In fact, the practice still holds that the student work is always legal when a referral from a mediator is issued. From the employers' point of view, the problem is mainly the increase in the cost of student work, which leads to a decrease in the scope of the latter, but not at the expense of increasing regular employment, but other flexible or illegal (undeclared) forms of work. While performing work as a student with the employer, the problem is unreliability of the first and many illegal practices of others, such as, for example, disabling the break during working hours, not paying the latter, etc. Despite the solid satisfaction of those involved with the institute, labor law issues in the field of student work remain and should be addressed in the future, in particular through comprehensive and rounded regulation of the field and clearer awareness of the rights and obligations of individuals involved.

Keywords:student work, student, issues, flexibility, student service

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