
Izdelava protokola za avtomatski izbor in izdajanje rezultatov medicinsko-biokemijskih laboratorijskih preiskav
ID Ivanko, Anamaria (Author), ID Jeras, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kranjčec, Bojana (Comentor)

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Avtomatski izbor in izdajanje rezultatov sta procesa, tekom katerih računalniški algoritmi izberejo, potrdijo in izdajo laboratorijske rezultate po vnaprej določenih kriterijih, brez človeškega posredovanja. Če rezultati niso znotraj določenih kriterijev, se avtomatski izbor prekine, posledično pa sta pred njihovo izdajo potrebna ročno preverjanje in potrjevanje. V okviru magistrske naloge smo si za cilj zadali uvedbo procesa avtomatskega izbora in izdajanja rezultatov laboratorijskih preiskav v medicinsko-biokemičnem laboratoriju. V ta namen smo izdelali protokol za avtomatski izbor in izdajanje rezultatov laboratorijskih preiskav, pri čemer smo postavili smernice za pravila za računalniški algoritem ter definirali kriterije zanje, določili numerične vrednosti ter določili delež dejansko avtomatsko izbranih in izdanih rezultatov laboratorijskih preiskav. Delež avtomatsko izbranih in izdanih rezultatov laboratorijskih preiskav je bil 39,1 %, ki se ujema z rezultati laboratorijev, ki so prvič uvajali tak postopek. Na ravni posameznih sklop laboratorijskih preiskav smo ugotovili, da je bil postopek avtomatskega izbora in izdajanja rezultatov najbolj uspešen pri hematoloških preiskavah (75,2 %) ter pri določanju hormonov in označevalcev (80,7 %). Pri nadaljnjih raziskavah bi bilo potrebno ta postopek preskusiti na večjem številu vzorcev, tekom daljšega časovnega obdobja in v okviru več različnih laboratorijev znotraj države.

Keywords:avtomatizacija, delta-kontrola, laboratorijski informacijski sistem - LIS, po-analitična faza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114822 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.03.2020
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Title:Elaboration of a protocol for automatic selection and reporting of medical-biochemical laboratory results
Automatic selection and reporting of laboratory results is a process in which the computer algorithms select, validate and report laboratory results according to the predefined criteria, without human intervention. If the results do not match the defined criteria, automatic verification and reporting of the test results is interrupted and manual check and verification of results is required. As a part of the Master's thesis, we aimed to introduce the process of automatic selection and reporting of laboratory results in the medical-biochemical laboratory. For this purpose we elaborated a protocol for automatically selecting and reporting of laboratory results whereby we provided guidelines for the computer algorithm rules and defined criteria for it, determined the numerical values and evaluated the proportion of actually automatically selected and reported laboratory test results. The proportion of automatically selected and reported laboratory test results was 39.1 %, which it is compatible with the results of the laboratories that firstly introduced that procedure. At the level of individual groups of laboratory tests, we found out that the process of automatic selection and reporting of laboratory results was the most successful for haematological tests (75,2 %) and hormones and markers (80,7 %). In future research, the process would need to be tested on a larger number of samples over a longer period, in different laboratories among the country.

Keywords:automation, delta check, laboratory information system - LIS, post-analytical phase

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