
Flow of light in metamaterials based on nematic fluids
ID Pusovnik, Anja (Author), ID Ravnik, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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This Thesis explores the flow of light in metamaterials based on nematic fluids. We study light propagation through optical metamaterials, capable of controlled and novel optical performance, specifically focusing on the role of birefringent media in materials that include nematic liquid crystals. Methodologically, the main approach was finite-difference time-domain method, adapted for the simulations of birefringent, frequency-dispersive and absorptive media. Firstly, we consider light propagation in homogeneous materials with eigenvalues of permittivity tensor of opposite sign -- hyperbolic metamaterials. The refraction of light into a material with fixed optical axis shows a strong dependence of the Poynting vector propagation, on the optical axis direction, with a possibility of positive or negative refraction. The flow of light is further developed in the analysis of the light propagation through defect-like optical axis profiles of hyperbolic metamaterial, notably demonstrating attractor and deflector type of propagation, as well as with the possibility of beam guiding with e.g. sinusoidal optical axis profiles. Secondly, we study metamaterials based on specific colloidal structures, composed of individual metallic split-ring (SRR) particles, embedded in nematic liquid crystals. We study the transmissivity for an individual SRR particle, for 2D and 3D crystals, and demonstrate a resonant-like response in optical transmissivity of the material, which depends on particle geometry, size and material composition, on coupling between the individual particles, and also on the nematic field, surrounding the particles, which opens a possibility for tuning of the optical response of the structure with external fields. And thirdly, we explore the flow of light in selected birefringent structures: heliconics, transient quench structures of nematics and BPIII. For heliconical liquid crystals, we show the relation between the band gap position and the structural properties of heliconics, specifically the periodicity (pitch) and helical tilt angle. The analysis of spatial dependence of transmitted light in amorphous (non-periodic) structures of liquid crystal disclination lines, distinctly in thermally quenched nematics from isotropic to nematic phase and in the BPIII phase, reveals the light response from subwavelength variations of birefringence. More generally, the work is a contribution to the fields of metamaterial photonics and soft birefringent materials by designing novel birefringent (meta)materials capable of controllable and tunable photonic properties importantly originating from birefringent components.

Keywords:metamaterials, hyperbolic metamaterials, colloids, tunability, nematic liquid crystals, heliconical liquid crystals, amorphous structure
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114769 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3412324 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.03.2020
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Title:Tok svetlobe v metamaterialih na osnovi nematskih tekočin
Pričujoče delo raziskuje tok svetlobe v metamaterialih na osnovi nematskih tekočin. Raziskujemo širjenje svetlobe skozi optične metamateriale, s katerimi je možno doseči nadzorovan in inovativen optični odziv, pri čemer se osredotočimo na vlogo dvolomnih materialov, vključno s tekočimi kristali. Večji del rezultatov je bil pridobljen z numeričnimi simulacijami, predvsem z metodo FDTD (ang. finite-difference time domain), ki je bila prilagojena za simuliranje dvolomnih materialov s frekvečno odvisno dielektričnostjo in neničelno absorpcijo. Najprej preučimo homogene dvolomne -- hiperbolične -- metamateriale, v katerih sta lastni vrednosti dielektričnega tenzorja nasprotno predznačeni. Pri lomu svetlobe iz vakuuma v tak material s konstantno optično osjo se izkaže, da je propagacija Poyntingovega vektorja (smer potovanja žarka) močno odvisna od nagiba optične osi, pri čemer je mogoč tako pozitiven kot negativen lom. Tok svetlobe nadalje preučimo pri analizi širjenja svetlobe skozi profile hiperboličnih metamaterialov s prostorsko spreminjajočo se optično osjo, pri čemer pokažemo defektne strukture, ki v jedro defekta svetlobo ``privlačijo'' ali ``odbijejo'', pa tudi možnost vodenja svetlobe z npr. sinusoidno odvisnostjo nagiba optične osi. Drugič, študiramo nehomogene metamateriale na osnovi koloidnih struktur, sestavljenih iz posameznih kovinskih koloidnih podkvastih delcev, imenovanih tudi obročasti resonatorji (ang. split-ring resonators, SRR), obdanih s tekočimi kristali. Preučevali smo optično transmisivnost za posamezen obročast resonator, za 2D in 3D kristale obročastih resonatorjev, in pokazali resonanten transmisivni odziv materiala, odvisen od geometrijskih parametrov, velikosti in materiala, iz katerega je delec, od sklopitve med posameznimi delci, pa tudi od nematskega polja, ki obdaja delce, kar odpira možnost nastavljanja in prilagajanja optičnega odziva metamateriala z zunanjimi polji. Tretjič, preučujemo tok svetlobe v izbranih dvolomnih strukturah: v helikonikih, v prehodnih strukturah med nenadnim nematskim faznim prehodom, in v modri fazi III. Za helikonike pokažemo povezavo med položajem prepovedanega pasu in strukturnimi lastnostmi helikonikov, natančneje z njegovo periodičnostjo in nagnjenostjo vijačnice helikonične strukture. Analiza prostorske odvisnosti prepuščene svetlobe v amorfnih (neperiodičnih) strukturah tekočekristalnih disklinacijskih linij, kot npr. pri hitrem prehodu tekočih kristalov iz izotropne v nematsko fazo, ali v amorfni modri fazi III, razkriva odziv svetlobe na variacije dvolomnosti, manjše od valovne dolžine svetlobe, kar vodi v določanje strukturnih lastnosti. Disertacija je prispevek k raziskavam metamaterialne fotonike in mehkih dvolomnih materialov, in je usmerjena k ustvarjanju novih dvolomnih (meta)materialov z možnostjo nadzorovanja in spreminjanja njihovih fotonskih lastnosti z uporabo dvolomnih komponent.

Keywords:metamateriali, hiperbolični metamateriali, koloidi, nastavljivost, nematski tekoči kristali, helikonični tekoči kristali, amorfne strukture

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