
Preučevanje občutljivosti določenih sredstev za utrjevanje slikovnih plasti na izbrane glive
ID Slapnik, Barbara (Author), ID Makuc Semion, Miladi (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zalar, Polona (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu smo proučevali rast izbranih gliv na nekatera pogosto uporabljena sredstva v konservatorstvu-restavratorstvu za utrjevanje slikovnih plasti. Izbrali smo naravne in sintetične materiale z različnimi lastnostmi. Materiale smo nanesli na različne podlage: na vzorce lesa, platna in stekla. Vzorce na lesu smo pripravili po zgledu stratigrafije lesenih kipov, s klejno-kredno podlogo in oljno barvo. Vzorci na platnu so sledili stratigrafiji klasičnih oljnih slik. Vzorce na steklu pa smo pripravili z namenom preverjanja potrebe gliv po specifičnem substratu. Na tako pripravljene vzorce smo nanesli izbrane materiale za utrjevanje: zajčji kožni klej, ribji klej, Lascaux medij za utrjevanje 4176 (Medium for consolidation 4176), Beva 371, Paraloid B-72, Regalrez 1126 in Lascaux Hydro-Grund (Hydro-Sealer 2001), samo na stekleno podlago pa smo nanesli še Calaton, Sokrat 2804, Plextol D498 in Plextol B500. Vzorce smo razdelili v pet skupin: prva je služila kontroli (neinokulirani vzorci), ostale pa smo inokulirali s štirimi vrstami gliv: Aspergillus destruens, Bjerkandera adusta, Chaetomium globosum in Aureobasidium pullulans. Vzorce smo namestili v vlažne komore z relativno zračno vlago med 55 in 80 %) in jih inkubirali pri temperaturi 15 °C, podobni tisti v cerkvah in v depojih. Cilj poskusa je bila pridobitev podatkov o primernosti uporabe materialov v pogojih, ki morda niso idealni za umetnino, vendar podpirajo razvoj gliv. Za pridobitev širšega vpogleda na vrste gliv, ki uspevajo na lesenih predmetih kulturne dediščine, smo odvzeli vzorce z oltarja iz cerkve sv. Areha na Pohorju. Izsledki naloge so bili tudi praktično uporabljeni pri izbiri materiala za utrjevanje kipa sv. Jožefa iz cerkve sv. Danijela v Štanjelu.

Keywords:restavriranje – konserviranje utrjevanje glive mikroorganizmi polikromacija lesena plastika slike na platnu slike na lesu odpornost propadanje magistrsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114394 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Research on the resistance of certain consolidants for picture layers to selected fungi
The Master Thesis' topic presents a laboratory study of the growth of selected fungi on materials frequently used in restoration with the purpose to consolidate picture layers. Natural and synthetic materials with different properties were selected and applied on wood, canvas and glass bases. Samples on wood were prepared according to traditional stratigraphy of wooden sculptures, with a hide glue and chalk lining and oil paint. Samples on canvas followed the stratigraphy of classic oil paintings. Samples on glass contained the test material only, and were used in our experiment with the purpose of verifying the requirements of fungi for the base substrate. The following materials for consolidation were then applied to the prepared bases: rabbit skin glue, fish glue, Lascaux medium for consolidation 4176, Beva 371, Paraloid B-72, Regalrez 1126 and Lascaux Hydro-Grund (Hydro-Sealer 2001). Additional materials applied to glass base only were: Calaton, Sokrat 2804, Plextol D498 and Plextol B500. The samples were divided into five groups: the first group was for control purposes (not inoculated), the others were inoculated with representatives of four fungal species: Aspergillus destruens, Bjerkandera adusta, Chaetomium globosum and Aureobasidium pullulans. All samples were incubated in moist chambers with relative humidity between 55 and 80% at 15 °C, the temperature similar to that in churches and depots. The goal of the experiment was to evaluate the appropriateness of the use of materials in conditions that support the development of fungi but may not be ideal for the artwork itself. In order to gain a broader insight into the types of fungi that thrive on the wooden items of cultural heritage, samples were taken from the altar of the church of St. Areh from Pohorje. The results of the thesis were also practically applied in the selection of the appropriate material used for the consolidation of the statue of St. Joseph from the Church of St. Danijel in Štanjel.?

Keywords:restoration-conservation consolidation fungi microorganisms polychromy wooden statue paintings on canvas panel paintings resistance deterioration MA thesis

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