
Preučevanje prednosti in slabosti izvedbe kemijskega eksperimentalnega dela v mikro merilu v primerjavi z izvedbo v makro merilu
ID Mele Dužnik, Maša (Author), ID Ferk Savec, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6174/ This link opens in a new window

V učnem načrtu za kemijo je eksperimentalno delo definirano kot osrednja metoda za usvajanje znanja kemije, pri čemer je poudarek na samostojnem eksperimentalnem delu učencev. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je bila preučena literatura na področju eksperimentalnega dela v makro in mikro izvedbi pri nas in v tujini. Eksperimentalno delo v makro izvedbi se nanaša na raziskovanje, preverjanje pojavov, zakonitosti v natanko določenih in ponovljivih okoliščinah; za izvedbo se uporablja uveljavljene tehnike, postopke, laboratorijsko opremo in reagente, ki omogočajo doseganje učnih ciljev učnega načrta. Eksperimentalno delo v mikro izvedbi se nanaša na raziskovanje in preverjanje pojavov, zakonitosti v natanko določenih in ponovljivih okoliščinah, za izvedbo česar se uporabi majhne količine (merljive v mg in mL) reagentov ter posebno prilagojeno laboratorijsko opremo na način, ki omogoča doseganje učnih ciljev učnega načrta. V magistrskem delu je bila preučevana primerjava makro in mikro izvedbe eksperimentalnega dela v šolskem laboratoriju za doseganje izbranih učnih ciljev učnega načrta. Glavni namen magistrskega dela sta izvedba in ovrednotenje samostojnega eksperimentalnega dela učencev v makro izvedbi v primerjavi z mikro izvedbo z vidika razvijanja eksperimentalnih spretnosti in veščin učencev ter znanja kemije. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela je bila izvedena raziskava na priložnostnem vzorcu osnovnih šol, pri čemer je bilo vključenih 200 učencev iz 14 osnovnih šol. Učenci so bili razdeljeni v kontrolno in eksperimentalno skupino na osnovi njihove uspešnosti na predpreizkusu znanja kemije. Preizkus znanja za ugotavljanje razlik v znanju učencev med kontrolno in eksperimentalno skupino so učenci reševali neposredno po izvedbi pouka ob uporabi eksperimentalnega dela v mikro izvedbi (eksperimentalna skupina) in eksperimentalnega dela v makro izvedbi (kontrolna skupina). Ponovljeni preizkus znanja so učenci reševali štiri tedne po izvedeni intervenciji na šoli. Učenci so poleg tega ovrednotili posamezni izvedbi z vidika rokovanja z laboratorijsko opremo, opazovanja, zapisovanja rezultatov, merjenja količin idr. eksperimentalnega dela v makro in mikro izvedbi s samoevalvacijskim vprašalnikom o izvedbi samostojnega eksperimentalnega dela. Rezultati izvedene raziskave so pokazali, da so učenci eksperimentalne skupine statistično pomembno uspešneje reševali preizkus in ponovljeni preizkus znanja v primerjavi z učenci kontrolne skupine. Rezultati vprašalnika o izvedbi učne ure niso pokazali razlik v uspešnosti usvajanja laboratorijskih spretnosti med učenci kontrolne in eksperimentalne skupine. Tako lahko sklepamo, da je z vidika kakovosti in trajnosti znanja izvedba eksperimentalnega dela v mikro merilu enakovreden pristop za učenje in poučevanje kemije v primerjavi z eksperimentalnim delom v makro izvedbi.

Keywords:eksperimentalno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114104 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12801865 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Micro-scale and macro-scale comparison of advantages and disadvantages of conducting chemical experiments
In the curriculum for chemistry, the experimental work is defined as the central method for assimilation of the knowledge of chemistry where the emphasis is on independent experimental work of the students. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis, the literature was studied in the field of experimental work in macro and micro performance in Slovenia and abroad. Experimental work in macro performance is related to research, checking of the phenomena, and scientific laws in exactly determined and repeatable circumstances. Established techniques, procedures, laboratory equipment, and reagents that enable achieving the teaching goals of the curriculum are used for the performance. Experimental work in micro performance is related to research, checking of the phenomena, and scientific laws in exactly determined and repeatable circumstances, for the performance of which small quantities (measurable in mg and mL) of reagents are used, as well as specially adapted laboratory equipment in a way that enables achieving the teaching goals of the curriculum. In the master’s thesis, the comparison of macro and micro performance of the experimental part in the school laboratory for achieving the selected teaching goals of the curriculum was studied. The main purpose of the master’s thesis was the performance and evaluation of the independent experimental work of the students in the macro performance in comparison to the micro performance from the perspective of developing experimental skills of the students and the knowledge of chemistry. In the empirical part of the master’s thesis, research was performed on an occasional sample of elementary schools where 200 students from 14 elementary schools were included. The students were divided into a control and experimental group on the basis of their success on the pretest of the chemistry knowledge. The pretest to ascertain the differences in the knowledge of the students between the control and experimental groups was taken by the students directly after the performance of the lesson within which the performance of experimental work in the micro performance (experimental group) and experimental work in the macro performance (control group) were used. The students took the repeated test of knowledge four weeks after the performed intervention at school. In addition, the students evaluated individual performances from the perspective of handling the laboratory equipment, observation, writing down the results, measuring quantities, etc. of the experimental work in macro and micro performance with a self-evaluation questionnaire on the performance of independent experimental work. The results of the performed research showed that the students of the experimental group took the test and repeated the test of knowledge more successfully statistically significantly in comparison to the students of the control group. The results of the questionnaire on the performance of the school lesson did not show any differences in the success of the assimilation of the laboratory skills among the students of the control and experimental groups. Thus, we can conclude that from the perspective of quality and durability of the knowledge, the performance of the experimental work in the micro performance is an equal approach for learning and teaching chemistry in comparison to experimental work in the macro performance.

Keywords:experimental work

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