
Vpliv dodatka kislega testa s kaljenimi zrni pire na tehnološke in senzorične lastnosti kruha
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Cilj naloge je bil ugotoviti, kako dodatek kaljenih zrn pire in kislega testa vpliva na senzorične in tehnološke lastnosti kruha. Pripravili smo kruhe direktnega zamesa in zamesa s kislim testom brez dodanih semen (kontrola) in z dodatkom pasteriziranih (20 % in 30 %), zamrznjenih (20 %) ali sušenih (20 %) kaljenih zrn pire. Vsem kruhom smo izmerili barvo, teksturo, določili specifični volumen, vsebnost vlage v sredici in skorji, določili vrednost pH sredic in vsebnost antioksidantov in fenolnih spojin ter jih senzorično ocenili. Ugotovili smo, da je kislo testo pripomoglo k večji vsebnosti vode v sredicah. Nižji pH sredic kruhov kot posledica uporabe kislega testa smo izmerili samo v kruhih brez dodatka zrn ter v primeru dodatka sušenih kaljenih zrn pire. Kislo testo ni vplivalo na večje specifične volumne kruhov, negativno pa so na volumne vzorcev vplivala dodana zamrznjena kaljena zrna pire. Vsi vzorci so v primerjavi s kontrolnim vsebovali več fenolnih spojin in imeli večji antioksidativni potencial. Na boljše senzorične lastnosti v primerjavi s kontrolo je vplival dodatek pasteriziranih kaljenih zrn pire, ne pa tudi dodatek kislega testa. Uporabe večje količine pasteriziranih zrn nismo upravičili pri nobenem parametru.

Keywords:pekovski izdelki, kruh, kislo testo, kaljena zrna pire, tehnološke lastnosti, senzorične lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[L. Neuwirth]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113832 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5170040 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of adding sourdough with sprouted spelt seeds on technological and sensory characteristics of bread
The aim of the thesis was to show, how differently prepared sprouted spelt seeds affect the technological and sensory characteristics of bread. We prepared breads with and without addition of sourdough, breads without sprouted seeds (control breads), with pasteurised spelt seeds (20 % and 30 %), frozen sprouted spelt seeds (20 %) and with dried sprouted spelt seeds (20 %). We measured the colour of bread crust, firmness, specific loaf volume, water content in crumb and crust, pH value of crumb, crumb total phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity of breads. All of the samples were also sensory evaluated. We showed that addition of sourdough influenced on higher water content in bread crumbs. Sourdough affected pH values only in breads without addition of seeds and in breads with added dried sprouted spelt seeds. Sourdough also had no influence on specific loaf volumes, but frozen sprouted spelt seeds showed a negative impact. All samples contained higher values of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. We showed that addition of pasteurised sprouted seeds had impact on better sensory acceptability, but addition of sourdough didn't. We also concluded, that bigger addition of pasteurised spelt seeds was not expedient, since we barely noticed any influence of it on analysed parameters.

Keywords:bread, sourdough, sprouted spelt seeds, technological properties, sensory properties

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