In my master's thesis I put forward a question if there are two extraordinary forms of legislative procedure being abused in the Republic of Slovenia. The main thesis of the master's thesis is that the use of both extraordinary types is undoubtedly too common because in recent years they started to eclipse the use of ordinary legislative procedure, which is a type of procedure that should be used on the regular basis, according to the Poslovnik Državnega zbora. The main question therefore is, does the increase in use of both extraordinary types also mean that they are being abused. In the master's thesis I put forward my definition of the term »abuse of urgent and quickened legislative procedure« and try to find real life examples of passed laws that would fall within the frame of my definition. The core part of the master's thesis is concluded with my findings in which I summarize the main points of the master's thesis and try to answer the question about the frequency of occurrence of abuse in urgent and quickened legislative procedures in the Slovenian parliament.