
Vrednotenje dvojnih zaviralcev bakterijskih topoizomeraz
ID Kotnik, Maja (Author), ID Ilaš, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Skok, Žiga (Comentor)

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Protibakterijska zdravila so nepogrešljiva orodja zdravstvenih intervencij današnjega časa, vendar uspešnost le teh ogroža vse večja pojavnost odpornih bakterij. Nezmožnost zdravljena okužb s takšnimi bakterijami je življenjsko ogrožajoč problem za najbolj ranljive posameznike naše družbe. Z namenom, da pripomoremo k iskanju potencialnih novih protibakterijskih učinkovin, za katere bi bakterije imele nižjo verjetnost za razvoj odpornosti in s tem potrebovale dlje časa za razvoj le te, smo tekom naloge vrednotili in vitro zaviralne aktivnosti ATP-kompetitivnih zaviralcev bakterijskih topoizomeraz, DNA-giraze in topoizomeraze IV bakterij Escherichia coli in Staphylococcus aureus. Spojine sintetizirane na Fakulteti za Farmacijo Univerze v Ljubljani smo biokemično vrednotili na mikrotitrskih ploščicah s pomočjo komercialno dostopnih testnih kitov »Microplate Assay Kit«. Za izhodišče vrednotenja smo se opirali na aktivnost zaviralcev na DNA-girazi bakterije Escherichia coli. Na podlagi rezultatov presejalnih testov smo spojinam, ki so izražale dobro zaviralno aktivnost, natančneje določali srednjo zaviralno koncentracijo (IC50) s pomočjo izrisa sigmoidnih krivulj, ki smo jih načrtali na podlagi rezultatov rezidualne aktivnosti pri sedmih koncentracijah in logaritemske vrednosti teh koncentracij. V kolikor je spojina izražalo dobro aktivnost na Escherichia coli DNA-girazi, smo jo vrednotili še na preostalih encimih. Presejalni testi so se izkazali kot učinkovit in časovno ugoden pristop v prvi fazi določevanja aktivnosti. Ocenjene IC50 so se z določenimi osemdesetimi ujemale v 75 % primerih, pri čemer smo v drugih 25 % le redko zgrešili za več kot en velikostni razred. Od skupaj 107 vključenih spojin, smo identificirali 9 le takih, ki so izražale dvojno zaviralno aktivnost in hkrati tudi potencialno širokospektralnost. V splošnem so bile koncentracije potrebne za zaviranje DNA-giraze bistveno manjše kot za topoizomerazo IV ne glede na bakterijsko vrsto, aktivnost spojin pa je bila slabša na Staphylococcus aureus encimih kot na Escherichia coli. Razlike v aktivnostih so najverjetneje posledica manjših strukturnih razlik sicer strukturno homolognih encimov in specifik bakterijske vrste. Med najaktivnejšimi spojinami so izstopale predvsem spojine 67, 72 in 74, ki so na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov izjemno močni zaviralci celotnega spektra testiranih encimov z dobro uravnoteženo zaviralno aktivnostjo. Zaradi dvojnega delovanja na tako Gram pozitivnih kot tudi Gram negativnih bakterijskih encimih so omenjene spojine obetavni kandidati za potencialno nova širokospektralna zdravila.

Keywords:dvojni zaviralci, dna-giraza, topoizomeraza IV, protibakterijski zaviralci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113754 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of dual inhibitors of bacterial topoisomerases
Antibacterial drugs are among the most crucial tools of modern medical interventions, yet their success is threatened by the ever-growing prevalence of bacterial resistance. The inability to treat such infections gives rise to life-threatening situation of the most vulnerable members of society. With the intention to contribute in the search of new antibacterial active substances that would lower the occurrence of bacterial resistance and therefore prolong its development, we have evaluated the in vitro inhibitory activity of ATP-competitive inhibitors, focusing on dual activity on topoisomerase enzymes (dual targeting), more specifically, on inhibiting DNA-gyrase and topoisomerase IV of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. We biochemically evaluated inhibitors, synthesised at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Ljubljana, using the commercially available Microplate Assay Kit. Based on results obtained by the screening tests performed on Escherichia coli DNA-gyrase we then more precisely determined the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) from sigmoid curves that were plotted from residual activities at the range of 7 different concentrations against the logarithmic values of the given concentrations. Given good activity on Escherichia coli DNA-gyrase, the inhibitor was further evaluated on other enzymes. Screening test proved to be an effective and time worthy approach in the first phase of identifying active inhibitors. The predicted IC50 coincide with the determined 80 in 75 % of cases, whereas the predictions for the other 25 % we rarely off by more than one order. From a total of 107 inhibitors we have identified 9 that have shown dual and potentially broad-spectrum activity. Concentrations needed to inhibit DNA-gyrase were generally lower than those for topoisomerase IV in both bacterial types. Activities on Staphylococcus aureus enzymes ware also lower compared enzymes of Escherichia coli. Both trends can be attributed to slight structural differences in otherwise homologous enzymes and type specifics. Among the most active inhibitors were 67, 72 in 74, which displayed strong and balanced inhibitory activity across all tested enzymes. Due to both Gram positive and Gram negative dual inhibitory activity the before mentioned inhibitors are promising candidates for potential new broad-spectrum active ingredients.

Keywords:dual inhibitors, dna gyrase, topoisomerase IV, antibacterial inhibitors

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