
Odnos med Rusko pravoslavno cerkvijo in sektami
ID Sernel, Jera (Author), ID Zalta, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem se posvetila odnosu med Rusko pravoslavno cerkvijo in sektami. Izbrano temo sem najprej obdelala s teoretičnega vidika, v drugem delu naloge pa sem teoretični podlagi dodala konkretne primere nekaterih ruskih sekt in povzela družbene spremembe, ki so pripeljale do njihovega nastanka ter kasneje vplivale na spreminjanje odnosa med ločinami in oblastmi. Do pojava sektaštva v Rusiji je prvič prišlo po razkolu ali shizmi v Ruski pravoslavni cerkvi v 17. stoletju, ki so ga povzročile cerkvene reforme patriarha Nikona. Nastalo je močno opozicijsko gibanje staroobredcev ali razkolnikov. Pod njihovim pokroviteljstvom naj bi potekali različni upori, kar je oblastem dalo še dodatne razloge za njihovo preganjanje. Tako kot skupnosti staroobredcev, je tudi druge kmečke verske ločine in iskalce Boga vodilo utopično iskanje božjega kraljestva na zemlji. Vsem je bilo skupno, da so zavračale uradno cerkev in državno oblast. Med najbolj znane sekte v ruski kulturni zgodovini spadajo duhoborci, molokani ali pivci mleka, popotniki ali stranniki, sobotniki, hlisti in pa nekoliko bolj radikalni kapitonovci in skopci. Vse verske ločine, ki so se pojavile na ozemlju Rusije med 17. in 20. stoletjem, so bile praviloma preganjane s strani cerkvenih in posvetnih oblasti, čeprav je bilo v nekaterih obdobjih nemogoče ločiti med enimi in drugimi. Celotne skupnosti so bile pogosto obsojene na izgnanstvo v odročne predele države. Kljub preganjanju in splošni sovražnosti do religije v sovjetskem obdobju, se je nekaterim starim sektam v Rusiji uspelo ohraniti vse do šestdesetih let 20. stoletja. V izbranem časovnem okvirju se uradna drža Ruske pravoslavne cerkve in s tem tudi njen odnos do verskih ločin nista bistveno spreminjala, je pa mogoče opaziti spremembe v odnosu posvetne oblasti do cerkve in posledično tudi do sekt.

Keywords:Ruska pravoslavna cerkev, razkol, staroobredci, sektaštvo, duhoborci, molokani, popotniki, sobotniki, kapitonovci, hlisti, skopci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113750 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Relation between Russian Orthodox Church and Religious Sects
This undergraduate thesis focuses on relations between the Russian Orthodox Chruch and religious sects. The first part of the thesis describes the chosen topic from a theoretical point of view, while the second part dives into specific examples of some Russian sects and summarizes the social changes that lead to their formation and later influenced the changing relations between the sects and the authorities. Sectarianism first appeared in Russia after the great schism, also known as Raskol in the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century, caused by the patriarch Nikon's church reforms. A powerful oppositional movement of the Old Believers was formed. It is believed that many different rebellions were lead under their patronage, which gave the authorities additional reasons for their persecution. Old Believers' communities as well as other religious sects consisting mostly of peasantry were lead by the utopian search of the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. Their common trait was the denial of the official Orthodox Church and State's authority. Among the most renowned religious sects in Russia's cultural history are the Doukhobors, Molokans, Stranniks, Subbotniks, Khlysty and the slightly more radical Kapitonovtsy and Skoptsy. All heretical sects which appeared on Russia's territory between 17th and 20th Century were invariably persecuted by both ecclesiastical as well as secular authorities, although in it was impossible to distinguish between one and the other in certain eras. Whole communities were often sentenced to exile in the country's most remote areas. Despite the continuous persecution and a general hostility towards religion in the Soviet era, some of the oldest sects in Russia managed to survive until the 1960s. In the chosen time frame, the official stand of Russian Orthodox Church and consequently its relations towards sectarianism had not changed significantly. However it is possible to notice some changes in the State's stance towards the Church and consequently towards the religious sects as well.

Keywords:Russian Orthodox Church, Raskol, Old Believers, sectarianism, Doukhobors, Molokans, Stranniks, Subbotniks, Kapitonovtsy, Khlysty, Skoptsy

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