
ID KROMAR, JERNEJA (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Presaditev organov je za bolnike s končno odpovedjo organov življenjskega pomena. Za uspešno presaditev potrebujemo etičen sistem, ki nam omogoča odkrivanje darovalcev in pridobivanje organov znotraj države ali preko državnih meja. Namen diplomskega dela je natančneje preučiti, kako poteka izmenjava organov, kakšna je problematika na tem področju ter kakšne organizacije pri tem sodelujejo. Uporabljena je bila predvsem deskriptivna metoda na podlagi analize virov in podatkov. Kot dodatno pa je bila uporabljena statistična analiza zbranih podatkov. Po raziskovanju smo glede na vire in podatke ugotovili, da izmenjava organov preko državnih meja povečuje možnosti prejemnika za pridobitev ustreznega organa, zlasti v primeru manjših držav. Primer organizacije, ki to omogoča, je Eurotransplant, njegovo delovanje združuje elemente transparentnosti, objektivnosti, enakopravnosti in solidarnosti ter s svojim sistemom zmanjšuje možnost neuporabe že tako težko pridobljenih organov. Zaradi pomanjkanja organov so se razvile nekatere neetične prakse, kot je trgovina z organi in transplantacijski turizem. Ugotovili smo, da lahko primerna zakonodaja in uvedba dobrega sistema take prakse zelo omeji, ne more pa jih popolnoma izkoreniniti. Diplomsko delo je namenjeno posameznikom, ki jih zanima področje menedžmenta v zdravstvu. Cilj diplomskega dela je prikazati problematiko izmenjave organov v majhnih državah ter prikazati pomembnost njihovega sodelovanja na področju izmenjave organov kot tudi pri oblikovanju smernic in zakonodaje.

Keywords:presaditev organov, izmenjava organov, darovalec, prejemnik, Eurotransplant
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113723 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5414062 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.01.2020
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Organ transplant is life saving for patients with end stage organ failure. For a successful transplant we need an ethical system that assures finding donors and organs on a national or international level. The purpose of this work is to research how organ exchange works, what are its issues and which organizations exist. This paper foremost uses descriptive method that is based on analysis of sources and data. In addition, statistical analysis was also used. Considering all sources and data, research had shown that the possibility for a successful match between a donor and recipient is higher with cross border organ exchange, especially in a case of a smaller country. An example of such organization is Eurotransplant which combines elements of transparency, objectivity, equality and solidarity. Its system lowers the possibility that a scarce donor organ is not being used for transplantation. Organ shortage is the reason behind the development of some unethical practices such as organ or human trafficking and transplant tourism. This work shows that a suitable legislation and implementation of a good system can limit these practices but cannot totally eradicate them. This paper is meant for individuals who are interested in the field of health management. The goal of this paper is to show the issues of organ exchange in smaller countries, to show the importance of cooperation between nations in the field of organ exchange and also in the formation of guidelines and legislation.

Keywords:organ transplant, organ exchange, donor, recipient, Eurotransplant

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