
Pravni vidiki varstva zaposlitve
ID Kavšek, Boštjan (Author), ID Končar, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1EF37451E7A356FF087FDA05B96C1113

Pravno varstvo zaposlitve se lahko obravnava širše in se v ta sklop vključujejo tako vsi načini prenehanja pogodbe o zaposlitvi (in ne samo odpovedi na pobudo delodajalca), kot tudi pravice delavca glede obstoja zaposlitve oz. pogodbe o zaposlitvi v času ob sklenitvi pogodbe o zaposlitvi oz. v času trajanja zaposlitve, glede na to, da je ugotovitev oz. ohranitev obstoja zaposlitve predpogoj za varstvo zaposlitve. ZDR-1 v 13. členu določa subsidiarno uporabo civilnega prava na področju obstoja in varstva zaposlitve. V luči pravne teorije oz. sodne prakse ugotavljamo, da se v fazi ob začetku zaposlitve subsidiarno uporabljajo pravila civilnega prava, vendar pa so pravila civilnega pogodbenega prava pomembno dopolnjena prek primarnosti pogodbe o zaposlitvi, faktičnega nastanka zaposlitve in omejitev glede sklepanja pogodb o zaposlitvi za določen čas. Enako velja v fazi trajanja zaposlitve, kjer so pravila civilnega pogodbenega prava dopolnjena z inštituti delovnega prava (odpoved s ponudbo nove pogodbe, sprememba delodajalca, suspenz). V času ob prenehanju zaposlitve obstoji delovnopravno varstvo zaposlitve, vendar pa pride v poštev tudi subsidiarna uporaba pravil civilnega prava, in sicer zlasti prek v sodni praksi uveljavljenega koncepta obligacijskopravnih oblikovalnih pravic. Obstojijo pomembne določbe v Ustavi RS in mednarodnih pogodbah (Konvencija MOD št. 158 in MESL) glede varstva zaposlitve, kar npr. zlasti vključuje zakonsko urejanje odpovedi na pobudo delodajalca, ki se lahko poda samo na podlagi utemeljenih razlogov, ki se nanašajo na sposobnost ali obnašanje delavca, ali iz operativnih razlogov, ki nastopijo pri delodajalcu. Opozorili smo na možne izboljšave oz. smiselne spremembe, ki se nanašajo na bolj pogosto uporabo pluralnega koncepta delodajalca, spremembe na področju pogodbe o zaposlitvi za določen čas in prenehanja zaposlitve s soglasjem delavca. Poleg tega smo poudarili tudi možne spremembe glede minimalnih formalnih in vsebinskih zahtev za učinkovanje oz. zakonito odpoved po posameznih odpovednih razlogih ter na možne spremembe na področju sodnega varstva.

Keywords:delovno pravo, pogodba o zaposlitvi, zaposlitev, varstvo, prenehanje zaposlitve, varstvo zaposlitve, odpoved, nezakonita odpoved, sklenitev pogodbe o zaposlitvi, sprememba pogodbe o zaposlitvi, subsidiarna uporaba civilnega prava
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113677 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:303777536 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Legal considerations of job protection
The protection of job can be considered in a broad sense and it includes, within its scope, all the methods of the termination of the employment contract (and not only the termination at the initiative of the employer), as well as the employee's rights relating to the existence of employment and/or employment contract at the time of conclusion of the employment contract and/or during the duration of employment, considering that establishing and preserving the existence of employment is a precondition for the protection of job. ZDR-1 provides the subsidiary application of civil law in the field of existence and protection of the job in Article 13. In the light of the legal theory and/or jurisprudence, we established that in the phase of the commencement of employment, the rules of civil law are applied in a subsidiary manner, however, these rules are importantly supplemented through the possibility of primacy of the employment contract, the factual creation of employment and restrictions on the conclusion of the fixed-term employment contracts. The same applies for the stage of the duration of employment, where the rules of the civil contract law are supplemented by the employment law institutes (the termination by offering a new contract, a change of an employer, a suspense). At the time of the termination of employment, there is the employment law protection of job, but also the subsidiary application of the rules of the civil law is relevant, namely through the case law of the contractual forming rights’ established concept. There are important provisions in the Slovene Constitution and the international treaties (ILO Convention No. 158 and MESL), concerning the job protection which, for example, in particular include the regulation of termination of employment at the initiative of the employer, which can only be based on the justified reasons, relating to the capacity or the conduct of the employee or for the operational reasons that arise with the employer. We emphasised possible improvements and/or reasonable changes relating to the more frequent use of the plural model of the employer, changes in the field of the fixed-term employment contract and the termination of employment with the consent of the employee. In addition, we highlighted possible changes regarding the minimum formal and substantive requirements for the termination's effectiveness and/or validity according to the individual termination reasons and we emphasized certain changes that might be considered in the field of the judicial protection.

Keywords:employment law, employment contract, employment, protection, termination of employment, protection of job, termination, unlawful termination, conclusion of employment contract, amendments to employment contract, subsidiary application of civil law

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