This master's thesis presents the situation of Roma communities in the Slovenian society. The integration of the Roman community in the majority society is a lengthy process, requiring attention from all individuals in the community. Social work plays a big role in this process. If we recognize and detect unequal treatment of individuals from ethnical minorities as well as take concrete measures, we can help change their situation within the society. By conducting a thorough research within the Roma settlements, we identified the possibilities of how to improve their situation. It depends on how individuals spend their free time, but also on the activities that are offered in the Roma settlements. There are big possibilities for change; nonetheless, activeness and will of social workers are also required.
We are kept up to date with time and changes through social media. The Internet allows us to find all information we are interested in, and at the same time enables us to be connected to our close ones. Social media offer a possibility to connect with new people, share opinions and talk, which importantly affects the relationships between people. In the research, it was determined that the Roma people are active users of social media and the Internet, where most of them do not face discrimination. Unequal treatment is still present in everyday life, which most commonly expressed by primary school teachers or in the employment sector. The Roma people express a great desire for employment. They want to be cleared of stereotypes about having social assistance instead of going to work, which is why they actively integrate into the labour market. Nonetheless, the Roma people are only offered short-term employment that that does provide security for the future.