
Pojmovanje človekovega dostojanstva in vprašanje njegove svobode pri Giovanniju Pico della Mirandoli : diplomsko delo
ID Sekolovnik, Ožbej (Author), ID Pevec Rozman, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Avtor skuša v diplomskem delu prikazati razumevanje človekove svobode in njegovega dostojanstva pri renesančnem filozofu Giovanniju Picu della Mirandoli. Za lažje razumevanje Mirandole in njegovega spisa pred tem prikaže, kako so pojem svoboda razumeli filozofi od antike do začetka renesanse. Predstavi tudi filozofe renesanse, glavne poudarke njihove filozofije ter širše predstavi čas, v katerem je živel in ustvarjal Mirandola. Nato predstavi življenje Pica in njegova druga dela ter predstavi vsebino spisa O človekovem dostojanstvu, ki v zgodovini zahodne filozofije predstavlja enega najbolj vzvišenih besedil o posebnem položaju in dostojanstvu človeka, ki ima popolno svobodo, da se oblikuje, kakor želi. Pico pri tem delu ni toliko črpal od velikih filozofov pred njim, ampak je želel z modrostmi kabale, hermetičnih spisov in mistične filozofije osvetliti človekovo svobodo, dostojanstvo in moč, da postaja angelski v svojih krepostih. Nazadnje se avtor ustavi pri različnih odzivih strokovnjakov glede razumevanja svobode pri Picovem Govoru. Tako prinaša dva različna pogleda, ki se pojavljata tudi danes. Prvi pogled vidi Govor kot hvalnico človekovi avtonomnosti, svobodi in osvobojenosti vseh vezi. Kot tako je delo razumljeno kot revolucionarna novost, ki je bila ena ključnih novosti, da je evropski človek prekinil z miselnostjo ter nesvobodo srednjega veka. Ta pogled vidi Pica kot čudežnega mladeniča, prodornega misleca, ki je videl više kot ostali avtorji njegovega časa. Drug pogled pa želi izpostaviti, da Picovo razumevanje svobode ni bilo enako današnjemu, še več, od današnjega se popolnoma razlikuje. Človeka ni videl kot prostega vseh avtoritet, celo osvobojenega od Boga. Njegova svoboda ni bila v prostem izbiranju vsega, kar je človeku ponujeno, ampak v odločitvi, da bo sledil razumu in se z njegovo pomočjo dvignil nad telesne stvari.

Keywords:Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Govor O človekovem dostojanstvu, svoboda, renesansa, zgodovina filozofije, človekovo dostojanstvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[O. Sekolovnik]
Number of pages:III, 41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113411 This link opens in a new window
UDC:14:929Pico della Mirandola G.(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:11040003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The notion of human dignity and the issue of his freedom with Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
In the diploma thesis, the author tries to show the understanding of human freedom and its dignity with the Renaissance philosopher Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola. To help understand Mirandola and his writings, he first demonstrates how philosophers understood the concept of freedom from antiquity to the beginning of the Renaissance. He also presents the Renaissance philosophers, the main highlights of their philosophy, and more broadly presents the time in which Mirandola lived and worked. He then presents the life of Pico and his other works and presents the contents of the essay On Human Dignity, which in the history of Western philosophy, represents one of the most sublime texts on the special position and dignity of a man who has the complete freedom to shape as he wishes. In this work, Pico did not draw so much from the great philosophers before him but wished to enlighten the idea of man's freedom and dignity with the wisdom of Kabbalah, hermetic writings, and mystical philosophy. Finally, the author dwells on the various responses of experts regarding the understanding of freedom in Pic's Oratio. Thus, it brings two different views that continue to emerge today. The first view sees Oratio as praise of man's autonomy, freedom, and liberation of all ties. As such, the work is understood as a revolutionary novelty, one of the key novelties that give the European man a chance to broke off with the mentality and non-freedom of the Middle Ages. This view sees Pico as a miraculous young man, a pervasive thinker who saw more than other authors of his time. Another view, however, wants to point out that Pico's understanding of freedom was not the same as today's, moreover, it was completely different. Pico did not see man as free from all authority, even freed from God. His freedom was not in the free choice of all that is offered to man but in the decision to follow reason and to rise above his bodily things with his help.

Keywords:Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man, freedom, renaissance, history of philosophy, human dignity

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