
Direct Numerical Simulation of flow separation with heat conduction
ID Oder, Jure (Author), ID Tiselj, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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The subject of the present thesis is the direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a confined backward facing (BFS) step geometry with a flow of two fluids with Prandtl numbers 0.005 and 0.1. The expansion ratio of the BFS geometry is equal to 2.25 and the outflow of the geometry has a square shape. The geometry is surrounded by no-slip walls and has no periodic boundaries. Additionally, a step wall and a heater downstream of the step are simulated. These are thermally coupled with each other and to the fluid domain. A recycling boundary condition is used to achieve a fully turbulent inflow boundary condition with a constant mass flow rate. The friction Reynolds number of the flow in the channel upstream of the step is around 207 and the Reynolds number based on the bulk velocity at the inflow and the hydraulic diameter of the inflow is approximately 7100. The reattachment zone was found at about 7.9 step heights downstream of the step. Because the step is confined in the span-wise direction, the average flow exhibits strong three-dimensional features. These features significantly increase the averaging time needed to achieve sufficiently low statistical uncertainties of flow properties. The DNS is performed with moderate spatial resolution on 30 million grid points, however, it took very long averaging time and 12 million time steps to obtain acceptable statistical uncertainties. In the thesis, the three-dimensional are explored and first and second order statistics are given for flow and thermal fields, which are relevant for the validation of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes modelling approaches. In the last section of the thesis, statistical uncertainties of the simulated variables in specific monitoring points are analysed. The statistical uncertainties were found to be higher for points located near the stagnation zones.

Keywords:DNS, confined backward facing flow, sodium flow, Nek5000
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113361 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3398756 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.12.2019
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Title:Direktne numerične simulacije toka čez stopnico s prenosom toplote
Predmet te disertacije so neposredne numerične simulacije (DNS) v geometriji omejene nazaj obrnjene stopnice s tokom dveh tekočin s Prandtlovima številoma 0,005 in 0,1. Raztezno razmerje geometrije stopnice je enako 2,25, odtok pa ima obliko kvadrata. Geometrija je obdana s stenami in nima periodičnih meja. V domeni sta simulirana tudi trdna, toplotno prevodna stena stopnice in grelec. Ta sta termično povezana med seboj in z domeno tekočine. Za doseganje popolnoma razvitega turbulentnega dotoka smo uporabili robni pogoj z recikliranjem hitrostnega polja in tako uveljavili robni pogoj s konstantnim masnim pretokom. Reynoldsovo število na podlagi trenja na stenah v kanalu po toku pred stopnjo je okoli 207, Reynoldsovo število na podlagi povprečne hitrosti pri dotoku in hidravličnega premera dotoka pa je okoli 7100. Območje ponovne pritrditve je bilo najdeno približno 7,9 višine stopnice po toku za stopnico. Ker je stopnica omejena v smeri pravokotno na raztezanje in smeri toka, ima povprečni tok močne tridimenzionalne značilnosti. Te značilnosti znatno povečajo čas povprečenja, ki je potreben za dosego dovolj nizke statistične negotovosti. DNS je bila izvedena z zmerno prostorsko ločljivostjo s približno 30 milijoni mrežnih točk. Za dosego sprejemljive statistične negotovosti pa so bila časovno povprečena polja izračunana iz približno 12 milijonov časovnih korakov. V disertaciji raziščemo tridimenzionalne lastnosti s prvim in drugim redom statistik pretočnih in toplotnih polj, ki so pomembna za validacijo pristopov modeliranja RANS. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge so raziskane statistične negotovosti posameznih spremenljivk v vnaprej določenih točkah spremljanja. Za točke, ki so v bližini sten, je bila statistična negotovost višja v območjih stagnacije.

Keywords:Direktna numerična simulacija, omejena stopnica, tok tekočega natrija, Nek5000

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