
Motivacija otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra pri plezalnih aktivnostih : diplomsko delo
ID Meke, Veronika (Author), ID Bajde, Silva (Comentor), ID Gričar, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Plezanje je gibanje, pri katerem se s pomočjo rok in nog pomikamo navzgor. Otroku plezanje najprej predstavlja sredstvo za premagovanje ovir, nato se pojavi kot del igre. Nekje pri šestem letu, ko so otroci sposobni plezanja na steni, pa mu lahko predstavlja prostočasno aktivnost. Priljubljenost plezanja v današnjem svetu ves čas narašča, s tem pa se širi tudi krog uporabnikov, med katerimi so lahko tudi otroci z motnjo avtističnega spektra. Za njih je značilna zmanjšana motivacija za okupacijo, omejen spekter interesov ter težave na senzornem področju, ki omejujejo vključevanje v aktivnosti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati razvoj volje otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra za plezanje in ugotoviti, katere posebnosti senzorne posebnosti ovirajo, oziroma podpirajo otroka pri vključevanju v plezalne aktivnosti. Metode dela: Izvedena je bila multipla študija primerov, v katero so bili vključeni otroci stari med 5 in 13 let, z motnjo avtističnega spektra ter pridruženo motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Za analizo obravnav smo uporabili Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire, za ocenjevanje senzornih značilnosti pa Short Sensory Profile. Rezultati: Stopnja razvoja volje je pri vseh udeležencih tekom obravnav ostala na istem nivoju. Pri vseh smo lahko zaznali izboljšanje volje na nivoju raziskovanja in kompetence, vendar ni bila nobena vedenjska postavka ocenjena višje kot z ˝vključen˝. Pri vseh, so bila ugotovljena izrazita odstopanja pri taktilni senzibilnosti in nivoju energije. Prav tako so imeli vsi udeleženci izrazita odstopanja pri seštevku vseh kategorij. Razprava in zaključek: Poleg same znižane motivacije, ki je za motnjo avtističnega spektra značilna, jih pri participaciji pri plezanju omejujejo tudi težave na senzornem področju, še posebno taktilna preobčutljivost ter nizek nivo energije. Zaradi pridružene motnje v duševnem razvoju je vprašljivo tudi samo razumevanje navodil ter zavedanje svojih sposobnosti. Senzorne posebnosti večinoma zavirajo participacijo, pri tistih, ki pa so iskalci vestibularnih in proprioceptivnih dražljajev, pa jo spodbujajo. Kljub temu, da večina uporabnikov ni motivirana za samo plezanje, so pri nekaterih pripravljalnih aktivnostih pokazali zadovoljstvo.

Keywords:volja, motnja avtističnega spektra, plezanje, okupacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113345 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5758827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Motivation of kids with autism spectrum disorder for climbing activities : diploma work
Introduction: Climbing is a movement where we move upwards with the help of our limbs. Climbing firstly represents a mean for overcoming obstacles and later a part of the game. Around the age of 6, when children are capable of wall climbing, it even becomes a leisure activity. Due to increasing popularity, the circle of users has widened, including children with autism spectrum disorder. They typically show lack of motivation for occupation, their spectrum of interests is narrower and also sensory difficulties hinder their participation in activities. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to show the development of the volition of children with autism spectrum disorder for climbing, and to determine which sensory features impede or support the child in engaging in climbing activities. Methods: A multiple case study has been used involving children between the ages of 5 and 13 who have an austim spectrum disorder and an associated intellectual disability. Treatments were analysed using the Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire, and the Short Sensory Profile was used to assess sensory characteristics. Results: The level of volition development remained at the same level during treatment for all users. We were able to detect a slight improvement in volition at the level of research and competence in all, but the behavioural items of the Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire were not rated higher than “included”. All users have marked differences in tactile sensibility and energy levels. All users had distinct variations in the sum of all categories. Discussion and conclusion: In addition to the low motivation, inherent to autism spectrum disorder, they are limited in participation due to sensory problems, especially tactile hyperresponsivity, and low energy levels. Their understanding of the instructions and awareness of their capabilities are questionable due to the associated intellectual disability. Sensory disorders mostly inhibit participation, but among children who are seeking vestibular and proprioceptive stimuli, it encourages it. Although most users are not motivated to climb, they have shown some satisfaction in preparatory activities.

Keywords:volition, autism spectrum disorder, climbing, occupation

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