Introduction: In the literature review we researched the impact of lifting heavy loads on the workplace and the impact of lifting on the woman and fetus. With heavy lifting the chances of negative outcomes on pregnancy increases. Lifting can lead to changes in fetal growth and development, pelvic and/or pelvic pain, miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth. The employer is obliged to act as soon as the worker informs him of the pregnancy. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate knowledge of the consequences of lifting heavy loads among pregnant women. We are also interested in an employer response and knowledge of rights during pregnancy. Methods: In theoretical part we used a descriptive method with a review of domestic and foreign, professional and scientific literature in books, proceedings and articles. We searched for the literature in databases as Medline, PubMed, CINAHL, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar. In the second part of the diploma we used the quantitative method. We used the questionnaire, which was submitted through the website 1ka. The questionnair was sent to Facebook groups Nosečka forum and Mamice Poljanske doline. It was meant for women in last trimester of pregnancy and for those who gave birth in the past year. The questionnaire consisted of twenty questions that were asked based on the literature review. Results: All women in our study (N=216) who were employed during pregnancy told about pregnancy to their employer. In most cases employer responded positively to the news and that it took care of her and her child's safety. Almost all of them were exposed to at least one risk factor before and during pregnancy. Only 15% of pregnant women have been informed of their rights by employers and superiors. Two thirds of them were not on sick leave during pregnancy. 72% had no helath problems during pregnancy. Most have never calculated the mass of a one-time load and the sum of the loads they lift on a daily basis. Almost all of them lift loads even in their spare time. Discussion and conclusion: In most cases, employers responded positively to the news about preganncy. Women believe that both her and her child's safety have been taken care of during pregnancy. Women have rarely obtained information about rights from employers and superiors. Women are not aware of the weight of the lifted loads, as they rarely imagine the weight they lift on a daily basis. Midwife can have influence to lifting on work during preganancy. This things can be tought during schools for parents and doctors visits.