
Ljubezenski roman v Sloveniji: knjižnična izposoja, bralci in produkcija
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V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali ljubezenski roman v Sloveniji s poudarkom na knjižnični izposoji, bralcih in produkciji. Ljubezenski romani spadajo med žanrsko literaturo, nagovarjajo predvsem ženske. Njihova popularnost je v zadnjih desetletjih izjemna v tujini in pri nas. S pomočjo spletne ankete smo demografsko analizirali bralce ljubezenskih romanov in njihove bralne navade. Bralci so predvsem ženske različnih starostnih skupin, izobrazbe, zakonskega stanu in zaposlitve. So zelo intenzivni bralci, berejo pogosto, tudi v tujih jezikih, večinoma tiskane knjige. Romane tudi kupujejo, a večinoma prevladuje izposoja. O ljubezenskih romanih se informirajo predvsem na internetu. Najbolj priljubljena podžanra sta zgodovinski in sodobni ljubezenski roman. Berejo najpogosteje iz eskapističnih razlogov, iste knjige tudi večkrat. Na področju izdajanja ljubezenskih romanov v Sloveniji izstopa nekaj založb: Mladinska knjiga (zbirka Oddih), Učila International, Meander, Anu Elara in Hiša knjig, založba KMŠ. Prvi močnejši val je v letih 2008–2013 predstavljala produkcija Anu Elare, ob njenem zatonu pa so se okrepile ostale založbe. V absolutnih številkah je najbolj produktivna založba Učila, sledi ji KMŠ. Ljubezenski romani slovenskih avtoric najpogosteje izhajajo v samozaložbah, redko pri večjih založbah. Pregled lestvic najbolje izposojanih knjig v slovenskih splošnih knjižnicah v letih 2002–2018 je razkril, da je bilo med 100 najbolje izposojanimi knjigami več kot polovica ljubezenskih romanov v letih 2010–2014, potem pa so številke kljub večji ali primerljivi produkciji krepko in naenkrat padle; razloga sta najverjetneje razpršenost porabe in nabave v knjižnicah. Kljub temu da ljubezenski romani na lestvicah ne izstopajo več tako kot pred nekaj leti, sama produkcija in fokus nekaterih založb ne kažeta na zaton tovrstne literature.

Keywords:ljubezenski romani, literarne zvrsti splošne knjižnice, bralci ljubezenskih romanov, založbe ljubezenskih romanov, lestvice izposoje v splošnih knjižnicah, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2019
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Title:Romance Novel in Slovenia: Library Lending, Readers and Production
We have conducted a research of the romance novel in Slovenia with emphasis on library lending, readers and production. Romance novels are a type of genre fiction that speaks primarily to women. Their popularity in the last decades in Slovenia and abroad is exceptional. With the help of an online survey we have demographically analysed romance novel readers and their reading habits. Readers are mostly women of different age, education, marital status and employment. They are very intensive readers, they read often, also in foreign languages, mostly printed books. They also buy novels, but lending is usually predominant. They get information about romance novels mostly on the internet. Most popular subgenres are historical and contemporary romance. Most often they read for escapism, they even reread the same books multiple times. In Slovenia there are a few publishers which stand out in the field of romance publishing: Mladinska knjiga (Oddih collection), Učila International, Meander, Anu Elara, and Hiša knjig, založba KMŠ. The first stronger wave in the years 2008–2013 was represented by Anu Elara production, at its decline other publishers grew stronger. In absolute numbers Učila International is the most productive publisher, KMŠ follows. Romance novels of slovenian authors are most often self-published, rarely they are released by larger publishers. Overview of the charts of most often lent books in slovenian public libraries in the years 2002–2018 showed that in the top 100 most often lent books over a half were romance novels in the years 2010–2014. After that numbers have dramatically and suddenly fallen despite greater or comparable production; the reasons are probably dispersity of consumption and library purchases. Despite the fact that romance novels no longer stand out in the charts as much as a few years ago the production itself and the focus of some publishers do not seem to show the downfall of such literature.

Keywords:romance novel, genre, public libraries, romance novel readers, romance novel publishers, most often lent books in public libraries charts, Slovenia

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