
Tema istospolnosti v slikanicah
ID Tratnjek, Tjaša (Avtor), ID Blažić, Milena Mileva (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6096/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

V magistrskem delu je obravnavana tema istospolnosti v petih izbranih slikanicah: Rilko in Cvilko (avtorica in ilustratorka Holly Hobbie, 1997), Vse naše družine (avtorica Alexandra Maxeiner, ilustratorka Anke Kuhl, 2012), Prva ljubezen (avtor Brane Mozetič, ilustratorka Maja Kastelic, 2014), In s Tango smo trije (avtorja Peter Parnell in Justin Richardson, ilustrator Henry Cole, 2010) in Sosedje in prijatelji (avtor Lawrence Schimel, ilustratorka Sara Rojo Pérez, 2008). Od tega so štiri slikanice leposlovne (Rilko in Cvilko, Prva ljubezen, In s Tango smo trije, Sosedje in prijatelji) in ena poučna (Vse naše družine), v vseh pa je izražena tema istospolnosti, bodisi med živalskimi literarnimi liki bodisi med otroškimi ali odraslimi literarnimi liki. V teoretičnem delu smo definirali mladinsko književnost po avtorjih Marjani Kobe, Mileni Milevi Blažić in Igorju Saksida. Predstavili smo teorijo slikanice po Dragici Haramija in Janji Batič ter predstavili literarne like po Marjani Kobe. V izbranih slikanicah se pojavlja tema istospolnosti, zato smo definirali pojem drugačnosti, prisotnost drugačnosti v literaturi in v šoli ter predstavili načine izražanja nestrpnosti, kot so stališča, stereotipi in predsodki. Natančneje smo se osredinili na podvrsto drugačnosti, in sicer istospolnost – definirali smo krajšavo LGBT, predstavili pojmovanje istospolnosti, istospolne družine, homofobijo ter prisotnost teme istospolnosti v literaturi in v šoli. Zaradi same problematike omenjene teme v literaturi smo se osredinili na dejavnike problemske tematike po teoriji Igorja Sakside in kriterije kakovostnih knjig po priporočilih Dragice Haramija. V empiričnem delu smo analizirali pet izbranih slikanic, pri katerih smo uporabili kvalitativno literarno analizo. Zanimalo nas je, kateri literarni liki so prisotni v slikanicah, katere značilnosti problemske literature vsebujejo slikanice ter kako so izraženi predsodki v besedilu. Preverili smo primernost slikanic po kriterijih kakovosti, natančneje nas je zanimala interakcija besedila z ilustracijo ter ali slikanice vsebujejo več elementov poučnih slikanic kot leposlovnih. Rezultati podrobne analize slikanic so pokazali, da so v slikanicah bodisi otroški bodisi živalski glavni literarni liki, ki imajo različne funkcije. Ugotovili smo, da slikanice vsebujejo nekatere značilnosti problemske literature, vendar ne vseh. Podrobna analiza je pokazala, da so stališča do istospolnosti izražena le v nekaterih slikanicah – pojavila so se tako pozitivna kot negativna. Opazili smo usklajeno interakcijo med besedilom in ilustracijami ter več elementov poučne slikanice kot leposlovne v dveh izbranih slikanicah. Analize vsega naštetega so pokazale, katere slikanice so bolj primerne za prvo triletje kot druge.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:istospolnost
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113009 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:12698185 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:04.12.2019
Število ogledov:1085
Število prenosov:195
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Homosexuality topic in picture books
The master’s thesis explores the topic of homosexuality in five selected picture books: Toot & Puddle by author and illustrator Holly Hobbie, 1997; Alles Familie! (All Families) by author Alexandra Maxeiner, illustrated by Anke Kuhl, 2012; Prva ljubezen (First Love) by author Brane Mozetič, illustrated by Maja Kastelic, 2014; And Tango Makes Three by authors Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson, illustrated by Henry Cole, 2010; and Amigos Y Vecinos (Friends and Neighbours) by author Lawrence Schimel, illustrated by Sara Rojo Pérez, 2008. Four of these works are fiction (Toot & Puddle, First Love, And Tango Makes Three and Friends and Neighbours) and one educational picture book (All Families) on the topic of homosexuality – expressed through relationships between animal characters or between children and adults. The theoretical part includes the definition of youth literature according to authors Marjana Kobe, Milena Mileva Blažić and Igor Saksida, of picture book according to Dragica Haramija and Janja Batič, and of literary characters according to Marjana Kobe. As the selected picture books depict the topic of homosexuality, we first defined the concept of differences, with their representation in literature and in schools, and described the ways of expressing intolerance, for example through views, stereotypes and prejudices. We focused in greater detail on a particular form of differences, i.e. homosexuality – by explaining the acronym LGBT, introducing the concepts of homosexuality, same-sex family and homophobia, and describing to what extent the topic of homosexuality is included in literature and in schools. To discuss the topic homosexuality as it is expressed in literature, we focused on the factors of problem-based literature according to Igor Saksida’s theory and on the quality book criteria according to Dragica Haramija’s recommendations. The empirical part analyses the five selected picture books using quality literary analysis. The aim was to determine which literary characters and which features of problem-based literature are represented in the picture books, and how prejudices are expressed in the text. We investigated the appropriateness of the picture books based on the quality criteria, examined, more precisely, the interaction between the text and the illustrations, and identified whether the picture books include more educational or fictional elements. The results of the detailed analysis revealed that the main literary characters in the selected picture books are children or animals with different roles. We found that the books include some of the features of problem-based literature, but not all. The detailed analysis also showed that the views on homosexuality – both positive and negative – are expressed only in some of the picture books. We noticed a harmonised interaction between the text and the illustrations, and found more educational than fictional elements in two of the selected picture books. By analysing all of the above, we were able to evaluate which picture books are more appropriate for the first triad.

Ključne besede:homosexuality

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