
Vključevanje romskih otrok v vrtec
ID Škerjanec, Kristina (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6095/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo raziskuje, kako poteka vključevanje romskih otrok v sistem predšolske vzgoje. Zanima me predvsem, s kakšnimi izzivi se soočajo vzgojiteljice in vzgojitelji ter starši romskih otrok in kakšne so morebitne prednosti vključenosti v vrtec na otroke, tako na Rome kot tudi na ostale otroke, ki so z njimi v vsakodnevni interakciji. Glavni cilj raziskave je raziskati pozitivne vplive zgodnje obravnave in inkluzije romskih otrok v redni vrtec in z upoštevanjem različnih perspektiv preveriti, ali je njihovo vključevanje nujno za uspešno integracijo v odrasli dobi. V empiričnem delu cilj zasledujem s pomočjo treh različnih vidikov. Vključila sem vidik vzgojiteljic, ki imajo v predšolskem obdobju veliko vlogo pri uspešnejšem razvoju otrok, vključenih v vrtec, saj slednji tam preživijo tudi do devet ur dnevno. Na drugi strani me je zanimal tudi vidik romskih staršev – spoznati sem želela, kakšne učinke otrokove vključenosti v vrtec opažajo oni in kateri vidiki vključenosti so jim najbolj pomembni. Na koncu sem vključila še perspektivo otrok in raziskala, ali imajo romski otroci, vključeni v vrtec, razvito socialno mrežo, ali radi obiskujejo vrtec in kako so sprejeti iz strani sovrstnikov. Z raziskavo sem strnila različne poglede na inkluzijo romskih otrok in pokazala, da je delo z romskimi otroki ter starši izziv, ki hkrati prinese zadovoljstvo in dragocene izkušnje. Upam, da bodo ugotovitve vzgojiteljem in vzgojiteljicam, ki se bodo srečevali z dilemami ob vključevanju romskih otrok v njihovo skupino in pomagale pri iskanju odgovorov nanje.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113008 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12697161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The inclusion of Roma children in kindergarten
The following master’s thesis explores how Roma children are integrated into the system of preschool education. I am particularly interested in the challenges that educators and parents of Roma children face. I also investigate the impact of inclusion in kindergarten on both, the Roma and other children who interact with them daily. The main goal of the research is to investigate the positive effects of the early treatment and inclusion of Roma children in the kindergarten and to examine why inclusion is essential for successful integration into adulthood. In the empirical part, I pursue the goal through three different aspects. I included an aspect of preschool teachers who play a large role in the successful development of children in the kindergarten as they spend up to nine hours a day there. On the other hand, I was also interested in the aspect of Roma parents – I wanted to find out what kind of effects on a child's inclusion in the kindergarten they observe and what aspects of inclusion are the most important to them. Finally, I included the perspective of children and investigated whether Roma children enrolled in the kindergarten have a developed social network whether they like to attend kindergarten and how their peers receive them. Through the research, I summarized different views on the inclusion of Roma children and explained that working with Roma children and parents is a challenge. However, it is also a rewarding experience. I hope that the findings will help educators when facing the dilemmas regarding the inclusion of Roma children.

Keywords:Roma people

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