
Odnos do šole učencev s posebnimi potrebami v večinskih in specializiranih institucijah
ID Bobnar, Petra (Avtor), ID Peček, Mojca (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6093/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Magistrsko delo se osredinja na analizo in primerjavo odnosa do šole otrok s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju PP), ki se izobražujejo v večinskih osnovnih šolah (v nadaljevanju OŠ), in tistih, ki se izobražujejo v specializiranih zavodih v programih z enakovrednim izobrazbenim standardom. Analiziran je odnos do šole s strani otrok z gibalno oviranostjo, gluhih in naglušnih, slepih in slabovidnih, otrok z avtističnimi motnjami ter otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami. V teoretičnem delu so najprej opisani pojmi segregacija, integracija in inkluzija. Predstavljeni so možni pozitivni in negativni učinki vključevanja oz. izključevanja posameznikov v oz. iz večinskih OŠ. V drugem delu teoretičnih izhodišč so opisani postopki usmerjanja otrok s PP in njihove možnosti izobraževanja. Nato sledi poglavje, vezano na odnos do šole. Vključuje razlago odnosa do šole, kateri dejavniki vplivajo nanj in kakšen je pomen pozitivnega odnosa učencev do šole. Vključene so tudi ugotovitve dosedanjih raziskav s področja odnosa učencev s PP do šole. Osnovno raziskovalno vprašanje empiričnega dela je naslednje: »Ali se med učenci s PP, ki so vključeni v večinske OŠ, in med učenci s PP, ki se izobražujejo v specializiranih zavodih v programih z enakovrednim izobrazbenim standardom, pojavljajo razlike v odnosu do šole?« Uporabljen instrument je bil anketni vprašalnik (glej priloga 1), vzorec pa neslučajnostni (priložnostni), ki je obsegal 175 učencev, od tega 115 učencev, ki se izobražujejo v specializiranih institucijah, in 60 učencev, ki se izobražujejo v večinskih šolah. Pri urejanju in analizi rezultatov je bil uporabljen program SPSS. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da se pri desetih od skupno šestintridesetih (27,8 %) trditev med proučevanima skupinama pojavljajo statistično pomembne razlike. Pri večini teh trditev (8 od 10) se je boljši odnos do šole pokazal pri učencih specializiranih institucij. Ti so izrazili močnejši občutek pripadnosti razredu, boljše medsebojne odnose s sošolci, več zaupanja v zmožnosti učiteljev pri zagotavljanju varnosti učencev in v njihovo pravičnost, boljše sodelovanje pri pouku in večje veselje do šolskih odmorov. Pri dveh trditvah (od desetih), kjer so se pojavile statistično pomembne razlike, so bolj pozitivno odgovarjali učenci večinskih šol. Izrazili so manjšo mero lastnega nasilnega vedênja ter manjšo željo po prešolanju v drugo institucijo. Pri vseh trditvah so bili odgovori obeh skupin učencev usmerjeni v pozitivno smer. Ugotavljamo, da imajo eni in drugi učenci ne glede na institucijo izobraževanja do šole pozitiven odnos, vendar opozarjamo tudi na pomembnost ugotovljenih razlik.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:izobraževanje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112969 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:12696905 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:04.12.2019
Število ogledov:1321
Število prenosov:234
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Attitude toward school of students with special needs in mainstream and specialized institutions
The master's thesis focuses on the analysis and comparison of an attitude toward school of children with special needs (hereinafter referred to as SN) who attend mainstream primary schools (hereinafter referred to as MS) and those who are educated in specialized institutions within the programs with an equivalent educational standard. The attitude toward the school of children with physical disabilities, the deaf and hard of hearing, the blind and the visually impaired, the children with autistic disorders and children with speech and language disorders are analyzed. The theoretical part, first, describes the concepts of segregation, integration, and inclusion. Possible positive and negative effects of integration and/or segregation in/from mainstream schools are presented. The second part of the theoretical framework describes the procedures for guidance of children with SN and their educational possibilities followed by a section on school attitudes. It includes an explanation of the attitude toward school, what factors affect it, and what the significance of the students' positive attitude toward school is. Then, the review of the findings of the area of attitude toward the school of children with SN is made. The basic research question of the empirical part is: "Are there differences in attitude toward school between the students with SN who are enrolled in mainstream schools and the students with SN who are enrolled in specialized institutions in programs with an equivalent educational standard?" The instrument used was a survey questionnaire (see annex 1). The sample was non-random (casual) covering 175 students of which 115 were students in specialized institutions and 60 were students in mainstream schools. The SPSS program was used to edit and analyze the results. The analysis of the results showed that for ten of the thirty-six (27.8%) claims, statistically significant differences occur between the groups studied. For most of these claims (8 out of 10), a better attitude toward school was shown by the students of specialized institutions. They expressed a stronger sense of belonging to the class, better relationships with classmates, more confidence in teachers' ability to ensure the safety of students and their equity, better participation in classes, and greater enjoyment of school breaks. For the two statements (out of ten) where statistically significant differences occurred, the students of the mainstream schools answered more positively. They expressed a lesser degree of their own violent behavior and less desire to move to another institution. In all the statements, the responses of both groups of students were directed in a positive direction. We find that both students, regardless of the institution of education, have a positive attitude towards their school. However, we also point out the importance of the differences identified.

Ključne besede:education

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