
Možnosti uporabe recikliranega stekla pri izdelavi unikatnih svetil
ID Šmid, Špela (Author), ID Pak, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi Možnosti uporabe recikliranega stekla pri izdelavi unikatnih svetil sem raziskala področje reciklaže stekla, ki je po mojem mnenju zelo pomembna tema v današnjem času, prenasičenem s stvarmi in z odpadki. Na ta način lahko zelo pripomoremo k ohranjanju čistega okolja, zmanjšanju toplogrednih plinov, zmanjšanju potrebe po izdelavi novih stvari … Že od malega sem vsem stvarem »podaljševala rok uporabe« ter jih predelovala in preoblikovala, četudi so bile to stare, ponošene hlače, nahrbtnik ali pa obrabljen kos pohištva. Navdihovalo me je morje možnosti predelovanja, katerih edina ovira je naša lastna kreativnost. Steklo je material, ki nudi neskončne možnosti predelave in re-uporabe, pri tem pa se njegova kvaliteta in čistost bistveno ne spreminjata. Veliko podjetij (tudi v Sloveniji) že deluje po tej miselnosti in pri svoji proizvodnji uporabljajo reciklirano steklo. Raziskala sem možnosti in načine uporabe recikliranega stekla tako v umetniških kot tudi v uporabnih izdelkih, pri tem pa posebno pozornost namenila povezovanju stekla in kovine, ki predstavlja glavni vir navdiha mojega umetniškega ustvarjanja. Zanimalo me je, kako lahko ta dva materiala najbolj subtilno povežem v celoto, da bo pri tem ohranjena uporabna funkcija izdelka. Za lažjo predstavo o procesu mojega dela sem opisala tudi glavne tehnike obdelave stekla, ki sem jih uporabila. Poleg tega sem raziskala tudi področji ambientalnih svetil in izparilnikov, kjer sem se osredotočila na izdelke, ki kot vir energije uporabljajo svečo. Na tak način proizvedena svetloba deluje bolj naravno, saj se plamen neprestano giblje, s čimer pa svetilki da življenje. Večji poudarek sem dala visečim svetilkam, saj svetilka s tako prezentacijo dobi nek mistični aspekt in je poudarjena njena vloga prinašalke svetlobe. Najprej sem raziskala razvoj teh izdelkov v različnih obdobjih v zgodovini, nato pa še v današnjem času. Zanimalo me je, kaj vse danes obstaja na trgu, dodala sem tudi nekaj primerov iz recikliranega stekla. Zanimale so me oblika, tekstura površine in sence, ki jih svečke proizvajajo, načini obešenja, uporaba ter preplet različnih materialov, načini rokovanja z izdelkom ter postavitev svečke. Na koncu sem predstavila še nekaj primerov, ki so me tekom procesa inspirirali. Nekateri po obliki, drugi po načinu prepletanja materialov. V praktičnem delu sem povezala raziskavo omenjenih področij z znanjem obdelave stekla, ki sem ga pridobila tekom študija. Večji poudarek sem dala samemu procesu izdelave ter možnostim predelave recikliranega stekla. Poslužila sem se tako hladne kot tople obdelave stekla. Proces izdelave sem poskušala prilagoditi tako, da čim bolj omejim porabo energije, potrebne za izdelavo izdelka, da s tem ne bi povzročala dodatnih obremenitev za okolje. Tako sem se pri topli obdelavi omejila na eno žganje, pri izdelavi kalupov pa sem poskusila obliko prilagoditi tako, da bo za njegovo izdelavo potrebno čim manj materiala. Najbolj optimalno sem poskusila izkoristiti in reciklirati tudi presežek ter odpadek. Pri svojem delu sem se osredotočila na recikliranje steklenic, ki spadajo med sodapnenčevo steklo. Ta tip stekla predstavlja tudi največji delež proizvedenega stekla na svetu (90 %) in je eden izmed težjih za predelavo, saj je zelo togo ter visoko viskozno.

Keywords:unikatno oblikovanje, reciklaža, steklo, kovina, svetilo, izparilnik, ambientalna svetloba, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112944 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Possibilities of the use of recycled glass in the hand manufacturing of lamps
In my BA thesis Possibilities of the use of recycled glass in the hand manufacturing of lamps I explored the field of glass recycling, which in my opinion is a very important topic in the present day, oversaturated with things and waste. This way, we can make a big contribution to maintaining a clean environment, reducing greenhouse gases, reducing the need to make new things … Even from an early age, I have always tried to “extend the expiration date” of different object when I tried to refurbish and transform them into something new, whether they were worn out trousers, a backpack or a tattered piece of furniture. I was inspired by the sea of processing possibilities, where the only obstacle is our own creativity. Glass is a material that offers endless possibilities for processing and re-use, without significant change in its quality and purity. Many companies (also in Slovenia) already work by this mentality and use recycled glass in their production. I researched the possibilities and ways of using recycled glass in both artistic and useful products, paying particular attention to the interweaving of glass and metal, which is the main source of inspiration for my artistic creation. I was wondering how I can most subtly interweave these two materials together, without losing the useful function of the product. For a better understanding of my work process I also described the main glass processing techniques, which I have used. I also researched the areas of ambient lightning and evaporators, where I focused on products that use a candle as an energy source. Light produced this way works more naturally because the flame is constantly moving, giving life to the lamp. I put more emphasis on the hanging lamps, because lamps presented this way gets some mystical aspect as well as the role of the bearer of light is highlighted. First I researched the development of these products in different periodes in history. Next I was interested in what is on the market today. I also added a few examples made from recycled glass. I was interested in the shape, texture of the surface and the shadows produced by candles, ways of hanging, use and interweaving of different materials, ways of handling with the product and the placement of the candle. In the end I presented a few examples that have inspired me throughout the process. Some by shape, others by the way materials are intertwined. In the practical part I combined the research of the mentioned fields with the knowledge of glass processing, which I gained during my studies. I put more emphasis on the manufacturing process itself and the possibilities of the use of recycled glass. I used both cold and warm glass processing. I tried to adjust the manufacturing process to minimize the energy required to produce the product, so I would not cause additional burden on the environment. Thus, I limited myself to one kiln-casting. In the manufacturing of molds I tried to adjust the shape so that its production would require as little material as possible. I tried to utilize and recycle excess and waste in the most optimal way too. In my work I focused on the recycling of bottles which belong to soda lime glass. This type of glass also represents the largest proportion of glass produced in the world (90%) and is one of the hardest to process because it is very stiff and highly viscous.

Keywords:applied arts, recycling, glass, metal, light, evaporator, ambient light, BA thesis

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