
ID Kragelj, Karmen (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi hitrih demografskih sprememb se sodobne družbe, med njimi tudi v Sloveniji, spoprijemajo z mnogimi izzivi pri zagotavljanju in razvoju različnih kakovostnih storitev na področju oskrbe starih ljudi. Na območju občine Tolmin obstajajo različne skupnostne oblike pomoči namenjene starim ljudem, poleg njih pa tudi trije domovi za stare ljudi. Kljub temu so čakalne vrste za sprejem v dom za stare ljudi še vedno dolge, kar kaže, da so potrebne določene spremembe. Da bi v trenutno situacijo lahko vnesli spremembe, je potrebno najprej začeti raziskovati življenjski svet starih ljudi, njihove potrebe, stiske in želje. V magistrskem delu sem želela raziskati prav to; preko pogovora spoznati, kako ljudje v občini Tolmin živijo, kaj v svojem vsakdanjem življenju potrebujejo, s kakšnimi stiskami se srečujejo ter tudi, kakšen je njihov odnos do odhoda v dom za stare ljudi. Moja želja je bila iz tega izpeljati odgovor, kakšne dodatne oblike pomoči bi stari ljudje na podlagi svojih potreb in želja še potrebovali ter izhajajoč iz tega, v katero smer bi bilo smiselno usmeriti razvoj oskrbe za stare ljudi na omenjenem območju. V prvem delu magistrskega dela govorim o demografskih spremembah, ki s seboj prinašajo zahtevo po uvajanju mnogih novosti pri skrbi za stare ljudi. Nadalje predstavim institucionalno oskrbo starih ljudi ter se nato posvetim skupnostnim oblikam oskrbe, ki postajajo vse bolj pomembne za kakovostno doživljanje starosti. Na podlagi pogoste želje starih ljudi ostati doma spregovorim o pomenu domačega okolja za starega človeka in pomenu družine pri oskrbi zanj. V zadnjem delu naredim povezavo s področjem socialnega dela, pri čemer spregovorim o vlogi socialnega delavca pri delu s starimi ljudmi ter o načelih, pomembnih pri socialnem delu s starimi ljudmi. Ker je bila raziskava usmerjena na območje občine Tolmin, naredim v zadnjem delu teoretskega uvoda pregled stanja in predstavim obstoječe oblike pomoči namenjene starim ljudem v občini Tolmin. V drugem, empiričnem delu magistrskega dela predstavim metodologijo in rezultate kvalitativne raziskave, ki sem jo opravila s starimi ljudmi iz občine Tolmin, na njihovem domu. V sklopu metodologije sem kot merski pripomoček uporabila vprašalnik, kot metodo zbiranja podatkov polstrukturirani intervju, enoto raziskovanja pa so kot že omenjeno predstavljali stari ljudje, starejši od 65 let, ki čakajo na sprejem v dom. Ugotovila sem, da se stari ljudje v obdobju čakanja na sprejem srečujejo z različnimi potrebami, pri katerih jim pomagajo tako formalni kot neformalni oskrbovalci. Je pa pomoč neformalnih, predvsem družinskih oskrbovalcev le začasna rešitev, saj le-ta dolgoročno, s povečevanjem potrebne pomoči starim ljudem, postane zanje preveliko breme. Kljub temu je prva želja starih ljudi, s katerimi sem govorila, ne oditi v institucijo, temveč ostati v svojem domu oziroma skupnosti čim dlje, kot je mogoče. Iz tega izhaja potreba po uvajanju novih, inovativnih oblik oskrbe, ki bi olajšale vlogo družinskih članov pri oskrbi. Hkrati pa bi se na ta način približali starim ljudem in upoštevali njihovo ključno željo ostati v svojem okolju, na katerega jih vežejo najrazličnejše vezi in spomini. Ugotovila sem, da so dolge čakalne vrste za sprejem v dom odraz nuje situacije, v kateri se star človek, najpogosteje zaradi slabega zdravstvenega stanja, znajde in ne izraz njegove resnične želje. Zato kot ključno predlagam zagotovitev dlje časa trajajoče oskrbe na domu in ustanovitev majhnih, krajevnih domov na več delih občine Tolmin. Slednji bi starim ljudem omogočili ostati v njihovi skupnosti, hkrati pa bi jim ponudili vso potrebno pomoč in varnost ter zmanjšali njihovo osamljenost.

Keywords:stari ljudje, starost, potrebe starih ljudi, dom za stare ljudi, skupnostne oblike oskrbe starih ljudi, socialno delo s starimi ljudmi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112922 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Waiting for acceptance in a home for the elderly in the municipality of Tolmin: a matter of choice or necessity
Due to rapid demographic changes, contemporary societies, including Slovenia, are facing many challenges in the provision and development of various quality services in the care for the elderly. In the municipality of Tolmin, there are various community-based forms of care for the elderly, and there are also three homes for the elderly. However, the queues for a home for the elderly are still long indicating that some changes are needed. To bring some changes in the current situation, we first need to explore the everyday life of the elderly, their needs, distresses and desires. In my master´s thesis, I wanted to do that; to learn through conversation how people in the municipality of Tolmin live, what they need in their everyday life, what are the hardships they face and also what is their attitude towards leaving their own home and move into an institution. My wish was to derive an answer, what additional forms of care, based on the needs and desires, would the elderly need and also to identify the direction in which would it make sense to direct the development of care for the elderly in this area. In the first part of my master´s thesis, I write about demographic changes, which bring with it the requirement for many new developments in the field of care for the elderly. Further, I present institutional care for the elderly and then I focus on community-based care, which is becoming increasingly important for quality age. Based on the desire of the elderly to stay at their home, I speak about the importance of the home environment for the elderly and the importance of family in caring for an old person. In the last part, I make a connection with the field of social work, with an emphasis on the role of the social worker in relationship with the elderly and the principles that are important in social work with the elderly. In the last part of the theoretical introduction I make an overview of the situation and present the existing forms of care for the elderly in the municipality of Tolmin. In the second, empirical part of the master´s thesis, I present the methodology and results of the qualitative research that I conducted with elderly people from the municipality of Tolmin at their homes. I used a questionnaire as a measuring tool and a semi-structured interview as a method of data collection. The research unit, as mentioned above, represented older people over 65 years old, waiting for acceptance in a home for the elderly. I have found that older people face a variety of needs during the waiting period, with the help of both formal and informal caregivers. However, the help of informal, especially family caregivers, is only a temporary solution, because in time, by increasing the amount of assistance the old person needs, it becomes too much of a burden for family members. Even so, the first wish of older people I spoke to was not to go to an institution, but to stay in their home or community for as long as possible. This implies the need to introduce new, innovative forms of care that would facilitate the role of family members in care. At the same time, we would approach the elderly in this way and take into account their key desire to remain in their environment, to which they are bound by various bonds and memories. I found that long queues for acceptance in a home for the elderly reflect an urgent situation in which an old person is, most often because of his poor health, and are not a reflection of his true desire. That is why I suggest prolonged home care or the establishment of small, local homes in several parts of the municipality of Tolmin. These would allow the elderly to remain in their community, get all the help and safety they need, and reduce their loneliness.

Keywords:elderly people, age, elderly people´s needs, home for the elderly, community care, social work with the elderly

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