
Tabloidna konstrukcija medijskega spektakla: primer kraljeve poroke princa Harryja in Meghan Markle
ID Osterman, Katja (Author), ID Pušnik, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Medijski spektakli obstajajo v naši družbi že več let. Postali so eno od načel organizacije v ekonomiji, politiki, družbi in vsakdanjem življenju. Eden izmed takšnih spektaklov je definitivno kraljeva poroka princa Harryja in Američanke Meghan Markle, ki si jo je ogledalo več milijonov ljudi po celem svetu. Ker po mnenju britanskih tabloidov Meghan ni primerna oseba za kraljevi naziv, je postala oziroma je še vedno tarča različnih rasističnih in seksističnih opazk. Na drugi strani pa imamo Američane, ki so nanjo izjemno ponosni, saj je storila korak naprej in modernizirala monarhijo. Ker je ta del britanske identitete in predstavlja simbol stabilnosti in enotnosti, Britancem te spremembe ne ugajajo, kar lahko tudi zasledimo v tabloidih. V magistrskem delu se zato ukvarjam z vprašanji, kako so britanski in ameriški mediji kreirali medijski spektakel na primeru kraljeve poroke ter kako so tabloidi konstruirali britansko identiteto. To sem raziskovala s pomočjo analize naslovnic dveh britanskih (The Sun in Daily Mail) in dveh ameriških tabloidov (New York Post in Us Weekly) za obdobje od junija 2016 do julija 2018. Tabloide sem razdelila na tri tematska podpoglavja ter s kvalitativno raziskovalno metodo – semiotično analizo in analizo diskurza – poskusila ugotoviti, kaj nam naslovnice na denotativni in konotativni ravni sporočajo.

Keywords:Medijski spektakel, kraljeva poroka princa Harryja in Meghan Markle, tabloidna konstrukcija, britanska identiteta.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112861 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36519517 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Tabloid construction of a media spectacle: the example of the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Media spectacles have existed in our society for many years. It has become one of the principles of organization in economics, politics, society and everyday life. One of such spectacles, is definitely the royal wedding of Prince Harry and American Meghan Markle, which has been watched by millions of people around the world. According to British tabloids, Meghan is not the right person for the royal title and that is why she has become, or still is, the target of various racist and sexist remarks. On the other hand, we have Americans who are extremely proud of her, as she has taken a step forward and modernized the monarchy. Because the monarchy is a part of British identity and a symbol of stability and unity, the changes are not appealing to the British, which can also be seen in the tabloids. In my master's thesis I therefore address the questions of how the British and American media created the media spectacle in the case of the royal wedding and how the tabloids constructed the British identity. I researched this by analyzing the covers of two British (The Sun and Daily Mail) and two US tabloids (New York Post and Us Weekly) for the period June 2016 to July 2018. I divided the tabloids into three thematic chapters and tried to find out, with a qualitative research method - semiotic analysis and discourse analysis - what the headlines are trying to tell us at the denotative and connotative level.

Keywords:Media spectacle, royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, tabloid construction, British identity.

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