
Določanje tokoferolov v oljih s HPLC
ID Zupan, Nina (Author), ID Prosen, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vitamin E se sintetizira in shranjuje v listih in semenih rastlin. Sestavljen je iz štirih oblik tokoferolov (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tokoferol) in štirih oblik tokotrienolov (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tokotrienol). Glavni vir vitamina E so rastlinska olja. V sklopu diplomskega dela smo naredili validacijo analizne metode za določanje tokoferolov v rastlinskih oljih. Vzorec olja smo raztopili v heksanu, nato ga redčili v metanolu, ga dali na mešalnik za epruvete, centrifugirali in filtrirali skozi 0,45 m filter. Za analizo smo uporabili RP-HPLC in kolono C18, ki pa ne omogoča ločitve vseh štirih tokoferolov. Alfa in delta tokoferol sta bila določena posamično, beta in gama tokoferol pa kot vsota obeh. Skozi validacijo smo določili mejo zaznave, mejo določljivosti, linearnost metode, delovno območje metode, pravilnost metode, ponovljivost metode, obnovljivost metode ter robustnost metode. Ocenili smo merilno negotovost z analizo certificiranega referenčnega materiala. Analizirali smo vsebnosti tokoferolov v šestnajstih različnih rastlinskih oljih. Opravili smo tudi analizo več vzorcev sončničnih olj, oljčnih olj in bučnih olj ter primerjali vsebnosti tokoferolov v enakih matricah.

Keywords:tokoferoli, tekočinska kromatografija visoke ločljivosti, validacija analizne metode
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538276291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.11.2019
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Secondary language

Vitamin E is synthesized and stored in leaves and plant seeds. It consists of four forms of tocopherols (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tocopherol) and four forms of tocotrienols (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tocotrienol).The main source of vitamin E are vegetable oils. As part of the diploma thesis we have validated the analytical method for the determination of tocopherols in vegetable oils. The sample of the oil was dissolved in hexane, then diluted in methanol, placed on a tube mixer, centrifuged and filtered through a 0.45 m filter. For the analysis, RP-HPLC and the C18 column were used, which did not enable the separation of all four tocopherols. Alpha and delta tocopherol were determined individually, beta and gamma tocopherol as the sum of both. Through validation we determined the limit of detection, the limit of determination, the linearity of the method, the working range of the method, the accuracy of the method, the repeatability of the method, the method's reproducibility and the robustness of the method. We determined the measurement uncertainty by analyzing the certified reference material. We analyzed the contents of tocopherols in sixteen different vegetable oils. We also analyzed several samples of sunflower oils, olive oils and pumpkin oils, and compared the levels of tocopherols in the same matrices.

Keywords:tocopherols, high performance liquid chromatography, validation of the analytical method

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