
Vpliv aktivnosti/terapije s pomočjo živali na osebe z demenco
ID Škoda, Katja (Author), ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Z naraščajočim številom starejših ljudi v moderni družbi se soočamo z vse večjim deležem oseb s kognitivnim upadom in demenco. Ob standardnih farmakoloških ukrepih za lajšanje simptomov ponekod uporabljajo tudi terapijo in aktivnosti s pomočjo živali. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ali uporaba aktivnosti s pomočjo živali in terapije s pomočjo živali pozitivno vpliva na funkcioniranje oseb z demenco. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela, s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature v angleškem jeziku. Uporabljeni so bili članki, objavljeni v obdobju od januarja 2014 do junija 2019. Literaturo smo iskali v angleškem jeziku na svetovnem spletu v podatkovnih bazah PubMed in CINAHL. V pregled literature za odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja je bilo vključenih 16 znanstvenih člankov, katerih kakovost smo ocenili s pomočjo orodja CASP. Rezultati: V pregledanih raziskavah so ugotavljali, da aktivnosti in terapija s pomočjo živali umirjata agitirano vedenje in pripomoreta k upadu agresivnega vedenja. Zmanjšala se je tudi stopnja depresije, socialno vedenje oseb z demenco pa se je izboljšalo, v smislu zmanjšanja vedenjskih motenj čez dan ter izboljšane kakovosti socialne interakcije. Kar se tiče vpliva aktivnosti/terapije s pomočjo živali na kognitivne funkcije, so si izsledki raziskav nasprotujoči. V dveh raziskavah je kognitivna funkcija ostala nespremenjena, v treh pa so ugotovili izboljšanje. Tudi kakovost življenja oseb z demenco se je v večini raziskav izboljšala. Pozitivne učinke pa lahko pripišejo aktivnostim oziroma terapiji s pomočjo živali pri izboljšanju fizičnega delovanja, v smislu izboljšanja ravnotežja oseb z demenco in bolj samostojnega izvajanja temeljnih življenjskih aktivnosti. Pri uporabi robotskih živali, namesto živih, so ugotovili podobne pozitivne odzive. Razprava in zaključek: Aktivnosti in terapija s pomočjo živali predstavljajo glede na raziskave velik potencial, predvsem pri zmanjšanju agitacije in nemira pri osebah z demenco in bo verjetno v prihodnosti predstavljala standardno komplementarno ali celo alternativno terapijo medikamentoznemu zdravljenju. K temu lahko dodatno pripomorejo dognanja, da je terapija z robotskimi živalmi podobno učinkovita kot tista z živimi živalmi. So pa na tem razvijajočem se področju potrebne dodatne raziskave, saj je večina pregledanih raziskav narejena na majhnem raziskovalnem vzorcu.

Keywords:demenca, nefarmakološko zdravljenje, kakovost življenja, agitacija, depresija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112744 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5728619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of animal assisted activities/therapy on people with dementia
Introduction: Due to the increase in the number of elderly in modern society we are faced with a growing population of people suffering from cognitive impairment and dementia. Alongside standard pharmacological therapies to battle the symptoms of dementia, animal assisted therapy and animal assisted activities are also used. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to establish whether animal assisted therapy or animal assisted activities have a positive effect on the functioning of people with dementia. Methods: A descriptive method was used by reviewing the available professional literature in the English language. Articles published between January of 2014 and June of 2019 were included. The articles, published in the English language, were searched for on the World Wide Web using the PubMed and CINAHL databases. To answer our research questions we included 16 articles obtained during the review, their quality assessed by the CASP tool. Results: In the reviewed articles they established that animal assisted therapy and animal assisted activities help in decreasing agitated and aggressive behavior. The level of depression decreased and the social interaction of people with dementia improved in the sense of decreased behavioral problems during the day and improved quality of their social interactions. Concerning the effects of animal assisted therapy/activities on cognitive functioning the results were contradictory. In two articles the cognitive function was not affected while in three articles an improvement was reported. The quality of life of people with dementia increased in the majority of reviewed articles. The positive influence attributed to animal assisted therapy/activities was due to the improvement of physical activities such as better balance control and increased independence in basic life activities. By using robotic pets instead of live ones similar positive effects were reported. Discussion and conclusion: According to the results of the research, animal assisted activities and therapy present us with great therapeutic potential, especially when it comes to decreasing agitation and restlessness in people with dementia and as such could become a standard complementary or even alternative to pharmacological treatments. The knowledge that robotic pet therapy has a similar effect as therapy with live pets could further this treatment option. However more research is needed in the area of animal assisted therapy/activities since the sample of participants of the reviewed articles was mostly relatively low.

Keywords:dementia, nonpharmacological treatment, quality of life, agitation, depression

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