Land use is the human activity in the landscape and description of the conditions and characteristics of the landscape. Additional information of the landscape can be obtained by comparing land use at different periods. Good knowledge of history and landscape enables us to identify causes and reasons for change of land use. With master's thesis, we tried to determine in which areas there were changes in the land use and areas covered with forest or dwarf mountain pines in the last 100 years, and at the same time, we tried to identify the causes for them. For the studied area, which is mostly on the plateau of Velika planina, we have collected relevant data, cartographic material and old photographs. Using geographic information systems, we analyzed the land use and orthophotos of the studied area. A fieldwork was performed on the studied area, during which we performed the method of repeat photography of the landscape, which was done in 24 locations. Based on all methods, three maps were produced as the result, showing the areas in which the largest changes of land use and changes of areas covered with forest and dwarf mountain pine occurred. A table was also produced showing the positive and negative effects of the deforestation of forest and dwarf mountain pines in the studied area. The main finding is that on the plateau of Velika planina the areas covered with dwarf mountain pines and forest are shrinking, due human activity and because of nature, especially because of windstorms. The deforestation of forests and dwarf mountain pines enables the spread of meadows and pastures, which are natural habitat of endangered plants and endemites, such as Kamnik Orchid (Nigritella lithopolitanica), Kamnik Leek (Allium kermesinum), Zois's Bellflower (Campanula Zoysii) and auricula (Primula auricula), which are typical for plateau of Velika planina.