
Raba nacionalnih mitov v oglaševalskem sporočanju: študija primera oglaševalske akcije Pivovarne Union
ID Gudelj, Mateja (Author), ID Jontes, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Škerlep, Andrej (Comentor)

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Pivovarna Union je maja 2016 predstavila oglaševalsko kampanjo ''Živjo, življenje''; sestavljajo jo trije video oglasi, ki uporabljajo tako zelo znane motive iz slovenske kulturne zgodovine, da jih skupaj z Rolandom Barthesom imenujemo slovenski nacionalni miti. Gre za pravljico o kralju Matjažu, zgodbo o povodnem možu kot zapeljivcu ter za romantični motiv pesnikove neizpolnjene ljubezen do svoje muze. Pri slednjem sklepamo, da gre za upodobitev Prešernove ljubezni do Primičeve Julije. Osredinili se bomo na zadnji oglas iz kampanje, ki upodablja pesnikovo neizpolnjeno ljubezen in temelji na sloganu ''Živjo, življenje''. Teoretski del naloge se bo osredotočal na rabo simbolnih reprezentacij v oglasu, ki jih bomo obravnavali z Barthesovim konceptom sodobnih mitov v medijih in popularni kulturi. V izbranem oglasu ''Živjo, življenje'' se prepletata mit velikega pesnika, ki je povzdignil nacionalni jezik na evropsko raven, ter romantični mit neizpolnjene romantične ljubezni pesnika do njegove muze. Podrobno bomo analizirali narativno in vizualno razsežnost izbranega oglaševalskega videospota, s posebnim poudarkom na tem, v kolikšni meri uporaba pomembnega elementa nacionalne kulturne zgodovine za promocijo piva vendarle predstavlja banalizacijo in poblagovljenje.

Keywords:mit, moškost, nacionalni mit, reprezentacije, trubadurska ljubezen, življenjskostilno oglaševanje.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112697 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36504157 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.11.2019
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Title:Use of national myths in advertising: a case study of Union brewery's advertising campaign
Union brewery launched an advertising campaign ''Hello, life'' in May 2016. The campaign consists of three video adds based on famous motives from Slovenian cultural history. Roland Barthes interprets them as modern national myths: first is based on the fairy tale of king Matjaž, second is the story of the seductive underwater man and last but not least consists of a romantic motive of a poet's unrequited love for his muse. The last myth is related to Slovenian poet Prešeren and his love for Julija Primic. The main focus of bachelor work will gather around the third aforementioned add. The theoretical section underlines the use of symbol representations in the add, which are analysed based on the Barthes' concept of myth in the modern social and cultural landscapes. The add ''Hello, life'' consists of two myths: first we have the myth of a great poet (the poet who raised Slovenian language to European level) and second is the romantic motive of a poet's unrequited love for his muse. The bachelor thesis work analyses the narrative and visual component of the video add with a specific interest in how the exploitation of elements of the national cultural history works in order to promote beer, which at the same time leads to the commodification of the national myth.

Keywords:myth, masculinity, national myth, representations, courtly love, lifestyle marketing.

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