
Spoznavanje materialov v prvem in drugem starostnem obdobju preko tolkal
ID Berkopec, Tanja (Avtor), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Šuligoj, Veronika (Komentor)

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6072/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Pomembno je, da imajo otroci že v vrtcu možnost aktivnega udejstvovanja, raziskovanja, opazovanja, preizkušanja in ustvarjanja pri dejavnostih, saj ob tem pridobivajo različne izkušnje, spoznanja in znanja. Eno od takšnih dejavnosti sem predstavila tudi v diplomskem delu z naslovom Spoznavanje materialov v prvem in drugem starostnem obdobju preko tolkal. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti koliko znanja, pridobljenega preko didaktičnih glasbil, so otroci prvega in drugega starostnega obdobja osvojili o materialih ter njihovih značilnostih in lastnostih ter umestiti didaktična glasbila (tolkala) kot primerno sredstvo za pridobivanje novega znanja z aktivnim in izkustvenim učenjem. Osrednji del se nanaša na tehniko, njegov pomen vpetosti v vrtcu za otroka, nato pa se osredinim na pomembnost otrokovega opazovanja sveta okoli sebe. Predstavljena so teoretična izhodišča različnih avtorjev o aktivnem in izkustvenem učenju ter vpliv čutil in glasbene vzgoje na razvoj otroka. Na koncu teoretičnega dela podrobneje opišem materiale in tolkala. V empiričnem delu predstavim didaktična glasbila iz treh različnih materialov (les, kovina, umetna snov), ki jih podrobneje opišem in predstavim s slikami. Didaktična glasbila je v vrtcu preizkusilo 20 otrok iz prvega ter 20 otrok iz drugega starostnega obdobja. Opazovanje otrok je bilo individualno. Pri glasbeno-tehnični dejavnosti so otroci z raziskovanjem, opazovanjem, ustvarjanjem, preizkušanjem in primerjanjem didaktičnih glasbil spoznali materiale, njihove lastnosti in značilnosti z izkustvenim in aktivnim učenjem. Ob tem so razvijali fino motoriko, koordinacijo roka-oko ter tipno, slušno in vidno zaznavanje. Proces aktivnega in izkustvenega učenja smo ovrednotili in zbrali kvantitativne podatke s pomočjo lastno oblikovanega opazovalnega lista ter dveh pred-testov in dveh po-testih. Rezultati so pokazali, da so otroci s svojo lastno aktivnostjo, preko čutil, pridobili nova spoznanja, znanja in nove izkušnje. V kolikšni meri se različni materiali in glasbila uporabljajo v vrtcu, smo ugotavljali z anketnim vprašalnikom. Izpolnilo ga je 47 strokovnih delavcev iz osrednje in dolenjske regije. Ugotovili smo, da vzgojitelji/ce pri pedagoškem delu poskrbijo za raznoliko uporabo materialov, področij in metod dela. Od glasbil v večji meri uporabljajo ritmična glasbila, ki jih izdelujejo sami (največ ropotulje, polnjene z naravnim materialom). V diplomskem delu v ospredje postavljamo didaktična glasbila, saj rezultati kažejo, da so primerno sredstvo za spoznavanje različnih materialov in pridobivanje novega znanja v obeh starostnih obdobjih v vrtcu. Otrokom vzbujajo radovednost, ki jo udejanjijo z opazovanjem, raziskovanjem, primerjanjem, preizkušanjem in zaznavanjem s čutili. S tem bodo vzgojitelji/ce dobili/e vpogled v drugačen pristop in način spoznavanja materialov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:tehnična vzgoja
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112656 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:12660553 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.11.2019
Število ogledov:1403
Število prenosov:221
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Familiarization with materials in the first and second age group with percussion instruments
It is important for children to have the opportunity to actively participate, explore, observe, test and create during activities already in the kindergarten for they gain different experiences and knowledge doing that. One of these activities is presented in my thesis entitled Familiarization with materials in the first and second age group with percussion instruments. The purpose of the thesis is to determine how much knowledge about materials, their characteristics and properties, which was gained through didactic instruments, was assimilated by the children of the first and second age group, as well as to place didactic (percussion) instruments as a suitable means of acquiring new knowledge through active and experiential learning. The central part of the thesis refers to the technique, the significance of a child’s integration in the kindergarten, and then I focus on the importance of a child's observation of the world around him or her. I present the theoretical basis of various authors on active and experiential learning as well as the influence of the senses and music education on a child’s development. At the end of the theoretical part, I describe the materials and percussion instruments on a more detailed level. In the empirical part I present didactic musical instruments made from three different materials (wood, metal, artificial material) which are described in detail and presented with pictures. Didactic musical instruments were tested by 20 children from the first and 20 children from the second age group in the kindergarten. The observation of the children was individual. In the field of music-technical activity, the children got to know the materials, their properties and characteristics through researching, observing, creating, testing and comparing didactic instruments, that is through experiential and active learning. In addition, they developed fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, as well as tactile, auditory and visual perception. The process of active and experiential learning was evaluated. Quantitative data was collected by means of a self-designed observation sheet, two pre-tests and two post-tests. The results showed that through their senses the children acquired new insights, knowledge and experiences by being active on their own. The extent to which different materials and instruments are used in kindergarten was determined by a questionnaire. It was completed by 47 professionals from the Central and Dolenjska regions. We have discovered that educators provide a variety of materials, fields and methods of work. When it comes to musical instruments, self-made rhythmic instruments are used in majority (mostly rattles filled with natural material). The thesis focuses on didactic instruments, since the results show that they are a suitable means for familiarization with different materials and acquiring new knowledge at both age groups in the kindergarten. They arouse the children’s curiosity which is realized by observing, exploring, comparing, testing and sensing. This will give educators an insight into a different approach and method of learning about materials.

Ključne besede:technical education

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